Honduras 3/15/2020 - 7/10/2020


Well, made it to Honduras. They're doing health screenings at the border, but no big deal. Still spent 2.5 hours getting through the process. They wouldn't let us in unless we gave them an address where we're going. So picked some hotel in summer town as few hours away and they were happy.

It's kind of a funny arrangement. You pass the Guatemala border, there's guards there, but the building is empty. Once you get over the border, on the Honduras side, both migrations and aduanas are in the same building, windows right next to each other. Guatemala stamps us out, hands the passport over the divider for Honduras to stamp us in. The TIP's took a while cause they decided to train new people with our paperwork.

But, on our way!

Soon as these guys get cleared!




This hotel has fallen a bit short...


To flush the toilet you fill a bucket in the shower and then dump it into the toilet...
The shower is not really a shower, it's a streamer... single stream model...
More hot water comes out of the lever than the streamer...
The sink leaks, and you have to bend down to open the valve on the wall, the one on the sink doesn't work..
My feet would probably stay cleaner on a dirt road...
There's more dust on the TV than my motorcycle...

That's what you get rolling into town late and trying to find someplace...


In La Esperenza for a couple nights at least. Prices are pretty high in Honduras so far. In Mexico and Guatemala we're used to getting nice places from $11-25/night. Here, not so much. Some of the hotels are $50 and up. Found a nice inexpensive place; Hostel Mito's.  It's run by the son of a musician that use to go by the nickname Mito.  The bands records are tacked to some of the walls; records as in 45's... black vinyl...

The roads are pretty nice, curve after curve, beautiful scenery and less topos, but they still have them! There's still some major pothole dodging that needs to be done, but mostly really nice concrete and asphalt roads. And everywhere you look, mountains, hills and huge vistas.




One of three dogs at the hostel...


Tomorrow we'll take a wander around town and see what there is to see.

Well, the border closed right behind us, slam!  And we're not going to be leaving this place any time soon.

Stuck in Honduras
by Ves Sladin

Stuck in Honduras with my honey
The virus's got people thinking funny
Stock markets dropping
Shelves in stores need restocking

Is it real, or imagination
Panic across the nations
Survivalists are feeling good
About their stored amo and food

The naysayers said it was coming
I can't believe, is it true
Well, I'm glad I'm in Honduras
Stuck here with you

Actually, the shelves in the stores here are full of toilet paper, there's plenty of fruit and produce at the open air markets, an no long lines in grocery stores... but back in the US, the land of abundance, the shelves are going empty... And my daughter back in IL said that the checkout lines were down the isles. What does that say? Look, they're delivering more!


Anyway, guess we'll hole up here for a few days maybe two weeks. There's conflicting reports about how long the borders are closed... Could be in a worse place, that's for sure...






Well, yesterday thought we'd go North a bit and see a lake and waterfall about an hour away. Scratch that. The roads are just ridiculous. Basically dirt with embedded relatively sharp rocks. Bone jarring.

Today, thought we'd go to a different waterfall about 11 miles Southeast, down a much nicer road. Roadblock about a mile out of town, but they let us through, another one about 10.5 miles into it... no go.

So, not only is the border closed, but all the towns are being kept isolated. And 3:00 curfew; if you're in the streets after, you risk arrest. We had been toying with the idea of going South (because you can't pass through Tegucigalapa), getting closer to the border of Nicaragua, but clearly that's not going to happen.

Well, at least it was a nice little ride through the rolling hills and rock formations.


So, back to the homestead, to lay around the pool and play with the flea-bitten dogs...



Honey.. the water level looks a little low, don't you think? It's a mental thing I guess...But it has been pointed out that there's also somewhat of a beach! So, got that going for us.


Still here... been doing a little exploring of the area, at least as much as roadblocks let us... walking the town (Neo. You've been down that street. You know where it leads...)

Drove up into the hills... found a road that wasn't totally bone jarring...

This is one of two "lakes" near La Esperanza / Intibuca. More like big ponds. Lots of agriculture.

It's Sunday, and there's a lockdown, was a 3:00 curfew, but now they moved it to 8:00 pm, so the streets are pretty empty. Some people out, a few farmers selling their food products. We have been down every street we care to go down. The main town is mostly paved streets, but much of it is dust and gravel.

Back at the homestead. This guy is about 3 months old... got some big paws on him, going to be a big one.

So, been here since ... I don't know, I'd have to go figure it out... and staying until... well, not sure... reserved the hostel until the 26th, but even if Honduras frees things up at that point (they've got a limited amount of cases in a couple big cities), we can probably go into Nicaragua, but then we'll be stuck there because Costa Rica borders are still closed until at least April 12th, at least... we could be here for weeks longer.

My daughter says she read about a lot of US citizens flying back to the US. We'll stay here. So, far there's no cases near these towns... it's not like I'm on vacation and need to get back to the US for some reason. The short term goal was Panama to Colombia first week of May. Looks highly unlikely at this point... The plan's a changing!

Been thinking a lot about this situation. Trump is coming up with a 1+ Trillion aid package in the form of handing out money and loans to people and businesses. Stock market has lost nearly 40% of it's value. Everything is at some degree of lockdown. People are home, kids are out of school. Is it really going to do any good? One thing for sure, this treadmill the world is on... more more faster faster growth growth and profits at the expense of social benefit... it's all come to a screeching halt. Now we see what's really important, what do we really need to live? The big question in my mind is, where is this 1 Trillion dollars coming from? Well, the federal reserve is printing it up (because they dropped interest rates to 0), so basically, money is free to the government. But if we inject 1 Trillion dollars into the money supply won't that decrease the value of money? I guess if we were on the gold standard then it would, but we're not, so apparently no harm done? Which raises the question, why are there not more bailouts? Bailout for all the students buried under student debt? And how about the people who can't afford to live in their homes because they can't make ends meet? And what about those on the poverty line, who keep trying but can't get above it? All those who have huge medical bills? And where do you draw the line in letting people suffer the consequences of their decisions vs. things that are out of their control?

The other big question is, why is it that the young aren't dying of this virus, only those with preexisting health issues... like diabetes, heart disease... Yeah, they're body is already compromised, so it can't handle the virus. Fact is that these are preventable diseases... they are brought about by diet and lifestyle... and the longer someone indulges in that damaging lifestyle, the less capable their body is of dealing with an invasion by a virus. Kids aren't dying because their immune systems are not damaged yet. The question is, what's the root cause here? If everyone was more healthy, there would be a lot less people dying. Where does the blame lay for that, with the individual and their choice of lifestyle, or with the farmers who farm with chemicals and pesticides and herbicides, and all the people dumping garbage into the air and ocean? How about all the companies that use sugar in just about every product you buy, from bread to pasta sauce... And who push their products through manipulative advertisement? I think this is a huge wakeup call. The question is, are people going to wake up, or will things just continue the way they are once this virus is gone? Cause you know the next one is coming, and it's bound to be worse. Are we going to change our lifestyles and be ready for it, or are we just going to keep dying, and what drastic actions will be required next time?

I did just read that a flu drug Japan developed back in 2014, which is in clinical trials, is being used in China to help people recover, and it works. If that's the case, I would think they will make it widely available, but how long will that take?

According to Dr. Seuss, and his book, Oh The Places You'll Go...
And then things start to happen,
don't worry. Don't stew.
Just go right along.
You'll start happening too.
headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.
the Waiting Place...
...for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come, or a plane to go
or the mail to come, or the rain to go
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
or the waiting around for a Yes or No
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.

Well, there's definitely not going to be any snow, and Honduras hasn't seen any decent rain in like four months. Had some in the night a few nights ago, but hardly a sign in the morning. It's definitely a waiting game at this point. Two weeks so far and this Intibuca area still doesn't have any virus cases, though the Honduras count is at about 95, and one 60-year-old dead.

Waiting for the news to tell me something good, but at this point border closures are like this, at least:
Costa Rica - April 12th
Bolivia - April 15th
Panama - Until further notice
Colombia - May 30th (so forget that May 5th crossing from Panama to Colombia on the Stahlrette... going to need a plan B unless they shift their schedule drastically)
Nicaragua - None (None?... that's right! Soon as we can travel that's where we're heading, they only have 4 cases)
Ecuador - Until further notice
Peru - March 30th
Chile - June 19th (Yikes... but if that schedule holds it wouldn't be bad)
Argentina - March 31st

Also waiting for a new cell phone chip from Sprint. I currently have T-mobile, in fact I got them because they have a good 55+ plan that includes international service... BUT I didn't read the fine print! If they see months of usage outside the US that's a NO NO! So, they're going to cut off my service next month. Sprint is less expensive and I can roam as long as I want... So, stick it T-mo (Yes, they recently merged with Sprint)... But Sprint only ships chips to US, so had to have it forwarded. Good thing is that cargo still seems to be flowing, so should have it in a few days. If that doesn't work out, it will be plan C... transfer my number to a throwaway phone and just get local phones as I travel.... First world problem! But F'n T-mo, you'd think they're making enough frikin money, that they don't have to worry about one guy roaming the world. I barely frikin use it anyway. OMG they're going to go broke on me!... ok ok... enough bitching...

What are we doing with out time? Cooking meals, laying in the sun, going to town for food so we can cook meals and just so we can walk around a bit, yoga... and Waiting...

Well, and still smelling the flowers along the way...


Well, three and a half weeks in Intibuca Honduras. So far 312 cases and 23 deaths total in Honduras. This area still has no virus, though all the surrounding departments/states do. Not sure if that's good or bad. Good if they do actually prevent the spread, bad if that just means it's going to hit late and then we're here for another x number of weeks. I really wonder if that's all we're doing, delaying the inevitable, because if there's one person that still has it, they will spread it, and then what, start all over again? Guess it will be interesting to see how China does now that they lifted the quarantine off Wuhan.... I mean, we can't possible all be quarantined until there are no new cases and everyone has recovered, can we?... That would be crazy.

As it stands, the current restrictions are supposed to be lifted in 4 days, on April 12th.... And so it came to pass that humanity went into the tomb to rise again... fits in with the Easter narrative! I can dream... my guess is that they will extend it. But as of today:

Costa Rica - April 12th
Bolivia - April 15th
Panama - Until further notice (Still!)
Colombia - May 30th. I've seen April 12th but don't believe it.
Nicaragua - None
Ecuador - Until further notice
Peru - April 12th
Chile - June 19th
Argentina - April 12th

So, we wait...

It's interesting to follow the news... all the conspiracy theories out there about what's causing this. I don't know if it's a fact that it started in a lab in China, but that does sound like the most reasonable explanation. Maybe it was that meat market, but I'm guessing that's just where it first spread once it got out. Then there's the 5G theory, that they're starting to implement 5G technology, and China was one of those places, as well as Italy, and so it's the microwave radiation from that that's killing people... Right... and how exactly is it spreading from person to person, in countries where there is no 5G then? Well, in those countries it's a different cause... Riiiiight... How about we just accept, it's a virus, and if you're weak in any way, you're odds of surviving are low.

The other interesting thing is this Corona test that they are using, which doesn't actually look for the Corona virus, but markers that are assumed to be part of the Corona genetic structure, but it seems to be pretty common knowledge that it has a very high level of false positives, yet it's all we have so that's what we use... so we rally don't know how many people are infected.

Also interesting how they are treating it. Basically looks like the body's immune system goes into overdrive, because this bugger is difficult to kill, and so you end up with an "autoimmune" situation where the body produces so much byproduct from fighting it, and attacks healthy cells, that it renders the lungs useless, the organs start shutting down due to oxygen deprivation, and it kills you. Apparently there's been some success treating with IL-6 (an immune suppressant) and steroids in combination. Also seems that China used Vitamin C intravenously, and that helped (Why? Well, on the macro scale, the virus is yang, and vitamin C is very yin... the whole yin yang balance thing)... but you're not going to get Western medicine doctors to do that in the ICU.

Another one of the dogs that hangs around the hostel we're staying at. There's a certain sadness in the eyes...

though not as bad as some of the dogs I see roaming the streets, like one I saw a few days ago; laying on the sidewalk, barely lifted it's head as we walked by, our glances met, all I could see was sadness. We kept walking and it started following us, but at a distance. Guess it's been kicked one too many times and chased away to take a chance on getting too close. Saw him approach another dog that had it's tail between it's legs. You could see the slightest bit of excitement in the greeting, but mostly just sharing the pain.

Some random photos...

One of the happier dogs...

Doing a lot of this... siting... and waiting... and just staring at the motorcycle sitting under it's cover...

the grass cutting crew was out working by that lake...

This really sucks.  Being stuck, unable to travel.  Three weeks now! And Honduras just extended it for another 10 days! The thing that keeps going through my mind is that if I had stuck to my original plan I would have been through the America's already and be in Africa or somewhere else.  Off course I'd be stuck there just like I am here, and probably Africa is not a good place to be stuck.  The world is stuck, for what reason, to slow the spread of the virus, in hopes that we'll find a cure or vaccine.  We don't have good vaccines for Corona viruses, or flu for that matter, now.  Not that I want to get vaccinated, but I am in the high risk group; my body and immune system have issues, I hope if I catch it I can overcome it.

This going nowhere is just sapping all the energy out of me.  Can't go anywhere but one day a week, and there's even no place to go anyway, just shopping and down the road a few miles to the first road block.

Or maybe it's my stomach issues that are sapping my energy.  I've found that vegetable stews seem to work really well for me.  It prevents the stomach aches I get with some raw vegetables, broccoli cauliflower onions, and eliminates loose stools.  But I'm getting some light headedness again when I stand up.  I just want to sleep.  Not motivated to do anything.


I think I need to give up eating gluten/wheat.  Clearly I have bowl/intestinal inflammation.  I've struggled with constipation most of my life, in the last year and a half it's been diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, weight loss, joint pain, fatigue... My stomach has become increasingly sensitive to certain foods, actually many foods.. raw vegetables being the biggest group... onions, broccoli, cauliflower, seem to be the worst, with immediate stomach pain if I eat them uncooked.  The only relief I've gotten from diarrhea or relatively loose stools has been lately by eating vegetable stews. It was literally an overnight difference. But it's almost a little too much.  But clearly it's very good for me to have had such a drastic effect, I think I need to stick with that to allow time for my intestines to heal.

I've been making whole wheat bread every day or every other day and eating it with meals, with cooked fruit for desert (cooked apples with cinnamon and raisins).  I just wonder if it's a good idea.  It doesn't hurt my stomach when I eat it, but I do get gassy at times.  The wheat flour is not organic and probably GMO, so I should give it up to see if my condition improves even more.  What does that leave me?  Rice (we can get whole grain in the store here in Intibuca so far, but we bought the last bags), corn (again, not sure of it's organic or GMO state), apples imported from the US (I peel them), onions, carrots, cabbage, beats, potatoes, green beans.  Yeah, I guess that's enough variety. 

What should I add?  Avocados seem to be ok, but I haven't eaten them for weeks.  Given that the stew is a big help, I should try adding them to the diet.  I can also eat cabbage salad, with salt and oil.  I can try apple cider vinegar too.

I'm eating eggs every few days, and that seems to be fine.  Started eating them with my miso soup in the mornings, either as scrambled or egg drop.

I would really like to eat more fruit, like bananas, but apparently those are yin, and clearly my body prefers yang foods (cooked vegetables being more yang).  I'd like to eat more crap food, cookies, chips, etc.. but seems I'm way beyond being able to eat those, unless I want to pay later, but could I eat more of those if I eat more animal products?  I haven't had cheese in weeks either.  I tried beef at one point, but eating it on an empty stomach bothered me, so no more.  I could eat more fish, haven't had fish in weeks either.

Seems that the truth is really difficult to know.  People always accept statements that support their view, as opposed to critically thinking about what's being said.  This COVID-19 pandemic is got everyone up in arms about the fact that a vaccine will be coming, and that government will probably require people to have it, or possibly not be allowed the same freedoms that vaccinated people will have.  Then there's true talk about having an "passport" of some kind that would have your health information on it.  Then there's the fact that Google and Apple are collaborating on developing an app infrastructure that will allow apps that store and exchange information about, with other phones, about your health and exposure status.

Personally I don't take medications, I prefer not to go to doctors, and I don't take vaccines, though I didn't really have a choice going on this trip.  Well, I had a choice, but not being able to get across borders, that required them, would be a problem.  So, I'll probably be forced to take a COVID vaccine, once it's developed, if I want to continue traveling. 

There's all these claims that vaccines have side effects, and they have caused people to die, and that a flu vaccine makes you more susceptible to respiratory problems.  What's the truth? Who knows.  Who has time to sift through countless opposing views to try and figure out the truth.

Just read that Bill Gates funds a lot of vaccine research; true.  Then there's a story that his henchmen (really? henchmen?) are vaccinating African women, but the vaccines secretly have a sterilization compound in them, to sterilize the women to whom they are given.  Really? If there was such a compound, don't you think a lot of women who have their tubes tied, would be using that instead?  Take one shot and you're sterile for life? Seems a lot easier than an operation!

Anyway, it's all annoying.  I'm annoyed that I'm stuck here in Honduras for a month now, and that this could go on for months longer until government decides that it's safe enough for people to go out again, annoyed by all the conspiracy theorists, annoyed by the sky is falling people, annoyed by everyone being afraid and overreacting to the COVID-19 and making a medical problem also a world economic problem, so that millions more are suffering.

Read the other day that in an African country that is on lockdown, where farmers traveled a day to bring their food to market, the police literally burned tons of food... in a country where people are starving and food is scarce.  Who's fault is that? Who's going to take the blame?  The WHO, for coming up with recommendations to isolate people and lock down entire cities, the local officials that implemented that plan, the overzealous police force that took it upon them selves enforce the lockdown in such a drastic way?  .... Nobody, nobody will take the blame. 

I believe that Bill Gates thinks he's doing good.  Seems like eradicating disease, providing clean drinking water, and trying to reduce the world birth rate (through involvement with Planned Parenthood) are good ideas.  But are vaccines really effective, and are people being forced into these things, and misguided, or do they have a choice?

The problem is that we think we can act against the laws of nature, and then when that has vast consequences, we think we can control the outcomes, we can open Pandora's box and then stuff everything back in.  Arrogant.  Detached from nature, though we are an integral part of nature.  Detached from our true nature.


Geeees... Here we are, the 18th of April... and here we still are... Honduras keeps pushing the social distancing further. They have rearranged it a bit; all days of the week are open, based on the last digit of your ID number. Saturday and Sunday no one is supposed to be out. The last date set was that it would end tomorrow... dangling that carrot in front us... only to snatch it away last minute... Hedging our bets and took a walk to the police station yesterday to see if there was any way we could continue to travel. They gave us the email and number to the Federal Police; we need to get permission from them. The email I sent came back saying that their inbox was full...  Come Monday I'll have our host try the phone number and see if he can help us.

Still no virus here in Intibuca, so we got that going for us, but Honduras overall is up past 400+ confirmed cases and something like 30+ deaths. Nicaragua is still open! Reports are that they are not dealing with the virus and that the're not reporting what's really going on. The government says they have one death. The US is supporting groups trying to undermine the government, who knows what the truth is.

Figure we'll do what we can, but what happens happens. It's not out of the realm of possibility that we could be here weeks longer. I started taking an online class in AI. Clearly that's the next step here, we'll have robots take over the world, so I should know how they work, and how to confuse them. But still hard to get motivated!
Honey is writing a book she's been considering for quite a while. We play chess occasionally and we're also getting really good at throwing a Frisbee around the yard! So, yeah...

Tip: I started reading a book called Real-Help. It's kind of like a self help book, but better. One of my favorite sections: "Stop Taking Shit Personally - ... People have no choice but to behave the way they do [they are incentivized to behave that way]. Don't take it to heart. Use Robert Greene's rule for dealing with people, and treat fools around you as a normal part of life, like rocks or furniture."

I see that as very appropriate advice given all the doom and gloom and the sky is falling and conspiracy theories flying around.


Well, the 19th has come and gone, and the quarantines have been extended until 4/26.  Wow, whocould have guessed back on 3/16 that we'd still be here?

Sent an email to the US Embassy asking if they could provide a letter to allow us to travel across Honduras into Nicaragua.  They said permission was needed from the Federal Police.  We went into town, to the local police and they gave us an email and phone number to contact the Federales. So, sent an email and got a response that their inbox was full.  Had our host call the number that was given, but it's busy.  Went back into town today to ask if there's any other way to contact them, but apparently not.  Also asked if there was any way that I could get my package from Fed Ex in Tegucigalpa... the Fed Ex that contains my new SIM chip, for my phone service, that's going to get cut off on the 23rd, because I'm roaming too much.  That was a bust too, but they did send us to a medical clinic to find the Mayor.  I'm thinking, do I have this translation right?  The police officer points us down the block, we go down the block.  There's a few guys behind a locked gate, I ask if the Mayor is here?  They point us back in the other direction, then around the block.  We get to the other side, there's a couple guys standing by a gate, they point us back to the police station.  On the way there we pass though the square and there's some more people there, so we ask again, where can we find the Mayor?  They point us in a different direction and say that he's at the medical clinic.  We go down a block, there's a medical clinic, we walk in, ask the lady if the Mayor is there.  She basically points us down the bock to the other medical clinic.  We're about to leave, but I have to ask... Why is the Mayor at a medical clinic?  He's a doctor... Oh...  We get there.  Is the Mayor in? Yes, do you need a consultation?  No we just need to talk to him... Oh, no, sorry, he's too busy... On the way back to the police station there's a guy sweeping the square, asks where we're from, why we need to Mayor, tell him we need permission to travel to Nicaragua, he points us to the police station.  We go back, tell them the Mayor is busy, they shrug... We ask is there any way we can get the package from Fed Ex, maybe a police officer is traveling there?  He says no, but points us to more phone numbers at the Federal Police... Oh, and no, you can't call those numbers about permission to travel, they have nothing to do with it...

Did this just happen?  This was a routine worthy of Abbot and Costello.  I think we'll be here until at least 4/26/2020, cause that's the next date the president set.  Ok... time to go throw the Frizbee around before dinner.  We've invented a new game... Novel Corona Frizbee.  The object is to catch it.  We tried playing with our masks on but couldn't catch it!

Yes, tomorrow is the first day of May, and the lockdown goes on.  Also, apparently the virus has made it's way to every department (state) of Honduras.  We now have 5 cases in Intibuca and one death.  Over 700 total confirmed cases and the curve is steep.  Went out the other day and it's a different scene.  Most of the vendors selling fruits and vegetables are gone.  Empty streets except for a cart here or there.  There's armed army in that area, so not sure if the army shut them down, or if people are too scared now to come out and sell their wares... but we're talking three blocks of vendors, disappeared. Went to the edge of town to one of the main markets.  Closed.  Went back into town center and there's one enclosed market still open. We got our vegetables and went back home.

They put up barriers around a portion of town.  I'm guessing that's where the sick people's homes are?  As you drive from LaExparenza to Intibuca they are also having people use hand sanitizer, making you step through a shoe sole wash, and actually spraying the cars before they are allowed to proceed.  Seems kind of futile if you ask me.  Clearly all they've done is delayed the inevitable.  This virus isn't going anywhere any time soon.

So, it looked like the Honduran Federal police might give us clearance to drive to the border, but after asking for our exact route, it's been days and we haven't heard anything.  But looks like Nicaragua's open borders are not open anyway, and they are having more cases there too.

The days become weeks, and the weeks will be months now.  We spend out time Cooking meals, reading, watching the occasional movie, talking to family back in the US, playing Frizbee almost daily, and wondering what will be of the world.  We've somewhat settled into this, but really looking forward to being free again.

We're also trying to figure out how to empty our room of mosquitoes (now there's are real problem), so they're not bothering us all night.  We've settled in on opening the windows, turning on the lights, and than waving a towel around and hitting everything to get them from where ever they are hiding and getting them to fly out the window.  They seem to be attracted to darkness.  Nothing more annoying than mosquitoes buzzing in your ear all night.

There's over 200,000 people dead around the world, 60k in the US so far.  But the official policy is if a person dies, and they are positive for COVID-19 the cause of death goes down as COVID-19.  It's ridiculous.  It's like they're trying to make the Pandemic look worse that it is.  But stories in the news are saying that Navy hospital ships that have been dispatched to New York and I think California, are pretty much empty, as well as makeshift field hospitals that were set up.  So, it's clearly not as bad as they thought it would be.

People in different parts of the world, US and Brazil, to name a couple, are protesting the lock-downs and violating them.  Some people are suing that they are unconstitutional, which they are.  It takes away our freedom of movement and takes away our right to decide how we manage our health.  And clearly the economic impact (something like 30 million people in the US are on employment now, and business are going bankrupt) is a huge price to pay.  Some meat processing plants have closed down, which means the steady flow of animals is backing up, and a Texas rancher has come out saying that as a result, because there's no place to put the animals that are ready for slaughter, they are being told to kill and dispose of them.  And there aren't enough people to pick vegetables, so farmers are being told to plow them under, because they have contracts, and they can't sell out of contracts.  It sounds too crazy to be true.  Why would we do that?  Why can't the animals just be kept until the processing plants just open up again, and why can't the vegetables wait until they can be harvested; if they rot they rot, but to intentionally plow them under is lunacy.  I do know that when corn yields are high, farmers are paid to plow under their fields, in order to prevent the price of corn from dropping to low, and that's subsidized by the government... our tax money, paying farmers to destroy their crops.  All in the name of economics, which is nothing more than a game the top 1% are playing.  Interesting that Trump has halted the US funding to the World Health Organization, saying they mishandled the virus.  Yeah, I bet no one thought about the consequences of telling everyone to stay home.  Though the meat packers didn't close the plants because they were told to, they closed them because people contracted the virus, though only two died out of 400 that got sick, so far, so that tells you about the actual death rate.  And that's probably still high because only the sick were tested, the ones with mild symptoms or no symptoms wouldn't be counted in that.

I was reading an article the other day talking about how out of touch humanity is with it's true nature.  We are a part of nature, just like every living things.  But for some reason we see us against nature, which is nothing more than us against ourselves.

The figures on how much economies are shrinking are in the single digits.  Really?  For a few percentage points in reduced growth, we have world wide panic, and the worst economic downturn since the great depression?  But we did it to ourselves.  Would the death rate have been much higher if the world hadn't of done this lock-down?  The "models" seem to say yes.  But what to believe.

More importantly, when is it going to end?  We'll find out soon, because some countries and states in the US are removing the lock-downs and trying to crank up the economy, but some people are so scared they're not rushing out to open stores and go back to work.

Personally, I'm taking advantage of all the lunacy.  In the stock market, one of the sectors that dropped a huge amount in January, when the Pandemic really started spreading, was energy/oil.  Some of the stocks dropped 70-80%, which is ridiculous, because are people going to stop using energy, long term, just because of this?  Yeah, it may take a while to get the drivers back out on the roads once the lock-downs are lifted, but there's going to be demand again.  Even if our energy usage is 10-20% less for a while, how does that justify a 70-80% drop?  People were just panic selling.  So, I took some of my money that was sitting in a low interest fund in my 401k (didn't lose anything when the market dropped), moved it to my IRA, and bought a couple funds; one that invests in gas companies, and the other that invests in energy infrastructure.  Infrastructure may take a little longer to come back up, and I didn't go for the funds with the biggest drops, because they are of lower investment quality, but after a week and a half, I'm up 30%.  I think some of that is speculation, rather than reality, because the fact is oil prices are still way low, there's an oil glut (so no need for more energy infrastructure; one large company is filing for bankruptcy and I'm sure more will follow), and no place to store it, and people are still in lock-down, so it may drop again when people see that the freeing of the lock-down's isn't having an immediate effect, but the funds are still way below their normal 52 week midpoint price, so plenty of opportunity to gain.  Interesting that China sees an opportunity too.  They sent something like 38 oil tankers to the Middle East to fill em up!  Oil is less than half the price it was a few months ago, and they need more import oil.  Amazing that they even have that many oil tankers.

Also, talking to my daughter and older sister about the possibility of investing in a small farm and moving ourselves out to the country, to be in a position to better control our own destiny; plant a garden and grown our own feed.  I'm thinking maybe some low maintenance money making crops, like hemp?  All talk at this point, but my daughter is looking to make a move within a year and my sister is educated in sustainable farming.  It could happen. 

Even if I continue with this journey, I could invest with them and have a base to come back to between travels or after.  Though I'm also considering settling somewhere in the third world.  Honestly with the whole virus thing, traveling may become too blocked up.. though I'm still in no hurry.  I'm ok with needing to spend more time in countries, but there is a limit to how much time they allow, and if we don't make Argentina before the cold starts, we'll have to start peddling backwards.  But there's no place we can stay for a year, while the weather blows over, is there.  Mexico does allow 180 days at a time, so could spend time there.  Guatemala would be even better.  Or Columbia would be even better.

And... still here.  Sitting in the front yard of the Mito's Hostel, in a white metal lawn chair, in the shade of some big oak trees.  The travel restrictions have been extended until May 17.  Intibuca is up to 7 confirmed cases, so all parts of the country have it now.  Total confirmed is at 1270.  Honduras has made travel restrictions more strict.  Now, based on the last number of your ID you can only go out once in those two weeks.  This place is actually quite amazing, thankful that this is where we're holed up for all this time.  The weather is really perfect; mid 70's-80's during the day, mid 50's-60's at night.  Now that rainy season has started it rains some days and evenings, but maybe only a couple days that we've been here without sunshine.

I made another attempt with the Federal police and they said we need to get pre-approval to enter Nicaragua if we want to travel there.  So, sent a request to the US embassy here in Honduras, and they gave me contacts in Nicaraguan immigration, who has a form for pre-approval.  Two days ago I filled out the form and send the request to Nicaragua.  Haven't heard anything yet... hopefully in a day or two.  But honestly, if we get the clearance to go, I'm going to have to think real hard regarding leaving this place, and the possibility of getting stuck in Nicaragua instead.  Will have to see the situation.  It's funny, that originally when I planned my trip I was going to be in Central America in the August/September time frame, so actually, even if we spent all of May here, we'd still have enough time to make it to the tip of Argentina before winter, so not bad.

Today I'm feeling pretty good.  Yesterday my stomach wasn't feeling great; pain after eating.  But it seems to have passed well.  It's been a bit of a struggle.  I want to go back to eating more junk, but I can't.  Why would I want to eat more junk?  Because it tastes good!  The diet at this point is very simple... Miso soup, though we're running out of it, so if we don't get to Panama soon, where they have a healthfood conscious society, we'll be down to only having sour cabbage.  At least that's everywhere to be had and easy to make.  Also usually have either cooked oatmeal and/or rice for breakfast, but we only have a few days of brown rice remaining, the stores don't carry it, we bought the last of it, so we'll be down to white rice.  Also, squash/gourd is relatively easy to find and easy to make.  Still eating vegetable stew every day; potatoes, sweet potatoes, yuka, carrots, onions, green beans, beets... mix it up a bit. Also, corn tortillas have become a staple. Apples are also available, so buy those and have one per day. I've had eggs on and off. I just feel like I need something more substantial, but everything I'm reading in the book called China Study shows that animal products are linked to disease, so trying to back off. The local store sells Member Mark almonds in a bag!, so been buying those and take a handful occasionally; good fat and also anti-inflammatory.  We buy the masa in a bag, like flour, and mix with water.  The brand we're buying seems to be corn that has been cooked in lime, which makes it alkaline, and a more complete grain apparently. I also went back to making whole wheat bread, and have been eating it with olive oil on top; trying to get more healthy fat in my diet and olive oil is also anti-inflammatory.  The wheat bread is very high fiber, not sifted, and it does give me some gas, but I don't see any other problems because of eating it; I don't think I have any kind of gluten problem.

  Honey is a really good cook, she can come up with all sorts of variety even with just the limited stuff we can find.  Not that I need variety in how my dishes look, just enough to make sure I'm getting my nutrients.  We've had a discussion about B12.  We do have seaweed in our Miso, which is suppose to have B12 in it, but the nutrition world makes this big deal about B12 and that you can't get it from anything except animal products.  But also turns out that your body stores B12 for years, so if I was going to have a B12 deficiency I wouldn't have it yet, because as of 1.5 years ago I was still eating eggs and bacon, fish, chicken pizza with cheese. 

There are some things that I definitely miss, not that I ate a ton of it before, but never being able to have it, without suffering intestinal consequences, really sucks... like cheesecake, cookies, apple pies, potato chips, ice cream, chocolate molten lava cake!  It's definitely an addiction like any addiction.  I do enjoy the food that we eat, but the mind wants what it remembers, the things it's addicted to.  So much money and resources are spent on fighting drug abuse, but the biggest drugs of all, can be bought right off the grocery store shelf, two for the price of one sometimes.  But it is what it is, clearly my body has had way too much, stress probably over the years, and my food is now medicine, and eating the right stuff will help me to get healthy again, and eating the wrong stuff will hurt me and prevent my healing.  Food is the medicine, it is the cure.  Will I ever be cured to the point that I can eat all the junk again without consequence?  That would be good, but even if I got to that point, why would I give up eating food that healed me?  I guess that shows just how addictive the junk is, and I suppose that's why people keep eating it.  In the book I read Recalled by Life, there was a case in there of a woman that was healed of cancer by switching to a Macrobiotic diet, but she didn't have the will power to stay on it, missed all the sweets and stuff she ate before, so she gave up, cancer came back and she died.  Everyone has to make their choices.  How important is that triple chocolate fudge brownie, or that cinnabun? It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't in your face all the time..


I think we've given up.  Or maybe the better word is surrendered.  No word from Nicaragua immigration about letting us into the country if we get to the border, so can't go any further with the Honduran police giving us permission to travel.  We're now a week from the latest lockdown expiration date; 5/17/2020.  And there's indications that Honduras is publishing guidelines for reopening everything.  But the supposed verified cases are spiking now; they had one day where there were over 200 new cases.  But they are in the main cities.  So, given that, will they really open up?  How long do they think they can keep everything closed?

We're settled in here pretty good.  Wake up whenever, though that's usually early because we're in bed by 10:00 most nights.  We usually do Yoga in the morning or afternoon, sometimes not.  Breakfast is now miso vegetabke soup, but the miso is still running out, and oatmeal or oatmeal with brown rice, maybe some almonds.  Lunch today was really good, refried beans that we buy from an old lady that sells it out of her small storefront across the street.  Doesn't really look like a storefront, just a door into someone's house.  Refried beans, fresh-made corn tortillas (we press them flat between two pieces of plastic using a cutting board as the press, works really good), onions sauteed with turmeric then mixed with fresh cut cabbage and dressed with olive oil, salt and a bit of vinegar.  I also have my vegetable stew and honey makes her salad.  We sit outside in the front yard when ever we can.  Sun shining, humid, because it's been raining a lot lately, but still very comfortable.  Still keeping up the Frizbee throwing every day, actually a good way to get some movement going.

We have Netflix and Putlocker (have to love that site) so occasionally watch a movie to break things up.  There's a TV in the room but we don't use it.  I'm reading The China Study and a book called Real Help.  Real Help is kind of a self improvement book, but it's written as a guide and tells it like it is.. basically stop whining, stop listening to what others are telling you, if you want your life to be better then make it better.  Good advice! 

It's a bit annoying when the Internet goes down, which seems to happen occasionally here.  Then we have to play cards... oldschool!

Honey is still writing here book, so she occupies some of her time doing that.  I started something on my journey to recovering my health, but not sure I'll continue writing it.  I'm feeling better now than I have in almost a year.  Honey tells me I'm fine, it's an up and down process, I feel better, then not so good, then better again, but the trend is up.  That's a good thing.

I've also been doing some more investment planning.  After all, I'm borderline underfunded for retirement, so have to figure out a way to up my odds. A lot of stocks are way down, so there's still bargains to be had.  Risk too, because you don't know how long it will take for the economy to recover, don't know who's going to go out of business, will stocks go back up to where they were, and how long it will take. Will the COVID-19 thing resurge, causing people to stay home and go nowhere, do nothing, keep business slow? Regardless, I'm thinking there are certain staples in the economy that are needed; energy, real estate and real estate management, credit cards, waste management, transportation.  Interesting that Warren Buffet sold all his airline stocks, all of them, because he can't see what's going to happen in the future, and with all the bailout money and loans they don't seem solvent.  But are people really going to stop flying?  How many times have airline companies been in trouble and they get bailed?  Of course historically some have gone out of business too. Southwest, however, looks really interesting, because their stock has fallen just like everyone else, over 50%, but unlike the others, who lost 60-70% of their business, because they fly international, Southwest focuses on domestic routes, and they are only off about 20%.  And when this all loosens up, where are people more likely to fly, somewhere in the US or overseas?  I'm thinking those that need to get up and out and go will do it domestically.

I was thinking Cheesecake is a staple also... :) Who doesn't love Cheesecake!?  The Cheesecake Factory stock is down, so looks like a bargain, and they still do curbside business, but just don't know if they'll survive. Will people without jobs go rushing to buy the most expensive cheesecake on the market? Guess it depends how much you like cheesecake, but they've been doing good so far.

Meanwhile, back in Honduras, street vendors and markets selling vegetables are way down this week.  Maybe knowing that on any one day only 10% of the population is allowed to be out, it doesn't make sense to be open.  We've become familiar with a lot of the markets in town.  Just found a new one two blocks down that sells some basics; melons, potatoes, onions, gourds.  So, when we need things we end up walking around town and get what we can where.


How time flies, when every day is the same.  I keep joking this is like the movie Groundhogs Day, with Bill Murray.  Though at least there, from every day he learns something new, and so each day he lives more fully than the last, takes more opportunities that exist.  I suppose in our way we're also taking the existing opportunities.  I'm making retirement investment decisions, playing around with writing some stuff, perfecting bread making, perfecting Frisbee throwing (with both hands too; yeah I'm reaching here..).  Honey is writing a book she's been wanting to write for years.  We're both still learning Spanish using Duolingo.  She's also practicing up on her Russian.  So, we're making the best of the situation.

The simple pleasures in life, home made bread... the rolls got extra crispy, just the way I like them.

We were just sitting out in the front yard for dinner tonight.  We had fresh made corn tortillas that I made, cabbage salad we collaborated on, vegetable stew we collaborated on, freshly made bread I made, and a carrot potato mash that honey made which was a really good imposter for cheese sauce, and some cooked beans she made.  The weather was nice, we're sitting there eating, dipping our tortillas in the cheese sauce.  At one point we just laughed at each other.  Life is good, even though we'd rather be on the road, this was definitely not bad.

The yard in this place is a virtual arboretum.  The host recently added some more plants to the place in the form of a can tree... yes, part of an old tree that he buried at the base and then hung paint can's that contain plants.  Interesting...  Sometimes when we are sitting in the yard eating, humming birds come around.  We're getting rain daily now, definitely in the rainy season.  We'll have to alter our travel time to morning once we get rolling again to avoid what is usually afternoon or evening rain.

This is an interesting photo.  First there's there is the tree growing through the roof.  Actually this one is just into the edge of the roof but there's one just around the right side where the tree is literally in the middle of what is a covered patio, so the roof is completely around this big three with a two foot diameter trunk.  I think this is a perfect illustration of the live with nature philosophy.  Probably most places in the US, the trees would have been long gone to make room for the house, but here the house is adapted to them.  I like the approach.  There's also the bicycle at the bottom of the photo.  The rear wheel is mounted so that it turns the motor end of a pump motor.  Interesting.

With all the rain the yard is also starting to spring flowers.

Couple days ago the host brought his horse over.  I guess that's to keep the grass trimmed while the rains are making it grow.

One thing that has been kind of annoying lately is we're getting bit up by something.  Far as I can figure out, it's flees.  There's like five or six dogs that have the run of the place, and I think we've seen all of them scratching.  I also found a few of these tiny black things that jump.. flees.. and a white thing.. an immature flee.  We put vinegar on the bites to calm them down.  The windows and doors also have no screens on them so there's always mosquitoes in the room.  We've taken to sleeping with the sheet pulled up over our heads.  Even then, it's amazing how loud a mosquito can be if it's buzzing right by your ear at night. 

It was mothers day a couple days ago, and apparently the tradition is to serenade your mom, blow off fireworks, drive around the streets wit a bull horn professing your love and playing songs, etc.. which is great, but they were actually doing this all night; like 1:00 and 3:00 in the morning.  We didn't know what was going on until we asked our host.  We thought there was gunfire.

The hostel has fiber optic internet, so when it's working it's fast... when it's working.  Quite often it's not, and that puts a big damper in our entertainment agenda.  Our phone data connections aren't fast enough to do anything worth while.  So, we took up playing cards also, occasionally.

We are four days away from what should be lifting of the lock-down.  They have extended it before, but I read in the news that they have issued guidelines for reopening the economy, so that's a good sign.  They've also allowed some of their citizens back into the country from other countries. We'll see, because Honduras recently had some of the biggest new case days since they've been tracking it; over a couple hundred one day.  In the mean time, no one is quite sure what's going on in Nicaragua.  They have stopped reporting numbers of confirmed cases and deaths, but word from sources inside seems to say that deaths are in the hundreds.  There are guys in white jumpsuits driving around in trucks, who's jobs is to quickly bury anyone that dies.  Noriega says lock-downs are unnecessary and would cripple the economy, so it's business as usual there.  Honestly I have to agree with him.  The economic carnage created by these lock-downs is way worse than the disease.  But anyway, if Honduras does let us go then we have to see if Nicaragua will let us in.  Maybe we roam around Honduras for a couple more weeks.  Just found out that Panama is keeping things locked up until June 15th, so if Nicaragua does let us in, we'll be roaming around there for a bit.  And Panama, nothing definite in the news.  Columbia looks like 10 days from now, so Panama may be limit to us moving smoothly.  I just hope it happens.  Intibuca, where we are, is now up to 11 cases and 3 deaths.  Honduras overall has had some days where there are 100-200 new cases per day.  That's the most they've had, so a strange time to plan on opening the economy, but I think they're feeling the pressure to get it rolling again.

Haven't been on the motorcycle for over a week, so today we took it out for a spin.  Again, went as far as the roadblocks would let us.  Really looking forward to the day when I'll go back down that road and not have to return.  We actually were not supposed to be out today.  Well, honey could be, but she didn't have her passport with her (you're allowed to be out one day in two week and it goes by last digit of your ID).  On the way out of town I noticed a roadblock coming back into town.  I'm thinking we're screwed now. My passport doesn't allow me to be out today, and she doesn't have hers.  Luckily on the way back I was behind a couple cars and they just let us through.  I guess it was random stopping and we got lucky we didn't have to.  I'm sure they would have just read us the riot act, I'd rather not be in that situation.

So, part of the journey is me health.  I've mentioned before my stomach issues, loss of weight over a year ago accompanied by weakness.  Last year going through Mexico I was getting better.  Went back to CO until last December and I was starting to regress a bit.  Since going back on the road last December it's been up and down, but I think I've finally turned the corner.  The answer seems to be vegetable stew for me.  Feels really good to eat and doesn't give me stomach aches like some foods.  For a couple weeks I stopped eating bread just to see if the gluten could be bothering me, but didn't see any change, so was happy to keep making fresh bread!... I could probably live on that stuff.  Actually I have memories from when I as a child and my grandmother would make bread, a huge hemispherical bread made in a brick wood burning oven, but she would make my sister and I our own little loaves.  There was nothing that tasted better; crunchy crust with a steaming hot center. 

At times I've tried to look back and figure out, what exactly caused my problem.  I never come away with a satisfactory answer.  Best I can do is a combination of life circumstances, genetics, food, and stress, all conspiring to bring me to a crossroads in my life.  Things that I see:
0. When I was just a kid in grammar school I was socially awkward and got picked on a lot.  I was a gentle spirit in a rugged world. We also moved around a lot so never stayed in one place long enough to make lasting friends.  The longest time we stayed put was when I was in highschool and college.  Not to mention the trauma of moving from Croatia Yugoslavia to the US.  From a small farm in a small village, to one of the biggest cities in the United States.  Totally different culture, food, language.  I remember being depressed a lot when I was in high school.  I guess typical teenage troubles.
1. I had a kid and was married before I finished college.  Talk about stressful; working, going to school, and a family.  At one point we couldn't afford to live on our own, so had to move in with my parents.  That didn't go well.  Honestly if there wasn't the unwanted pregnancy, we probably never would have gotten married.  We turned out to be very different people.  But what do you know in your early twenties.  I certainly didn't know much.  And it was a terrible marriage. 
2.   I divorced and not long after married a nice woman with four kids of her own, the youngest being 3 and 4.  Yes, I jump where lesser mortals fear to tread.  It was ok for a while, but it wasn't working for me.  We were different in many ways.  That lead to over a year of counseling and finally the second divorce.  It was amiable.  We still talk today if we need to. 
3. My job was always stressful.  I always felt like I was out of my comfort zone.  When I was in high school, I took four years of art, but when it came to college I had to pick a real career, and picked Engineering because I had mechanical aptitude.  That eventually took me into project management, and finally program management, directing or helping others direct and manage large projects.  Through the years I was always prone to anxiety, in normal situations, talking to strangers or groups of strangers.  But eventually got over it, because I had to.  But I'm sure it took it's toll on me.  When I got into program management I decided to get my PMP (Project Management Professional credential), so in addition to dealing with an new high profile job at work, I studied for hours every day after work.  It eventually started messing with my sleep and I decided to just take the exam.  I passed on the first try, unlike many people, but it sure took it's toll on me.  It also didn't help that in 2001, after 17 years of working for my company, 9/11 happened, the economy tanked, and our division closed, leaving me and others without a job.  I searched and after about 16 week finally found a job as a paid intern doing quality control on software, at a third of my salary.  Took three years there before the economy wound back up and my old company was rehiring.  I was glad to be back, at a different division and back to an Engineering salary.
4. Even in my 20's when I worked on cars I would have lower back pain.  In my 30's that turned into more pain, visits to chiropractors, and eventually a herniated disk that caused pain down my leg and my thigh muscle started to atrophy.  The pain was horrendous and I had to get a cortisone shot in my back before it became bearable, but there was a permanent numbness in the knee.  Over the years it came to the point where I had to cancel a couple vacations because my back would tweak out and I couldn't continue.  By the time I was 56 I realized I needed to do something before I got too old, so had surgery to have my L4-L5 disk replaced and fused.  When I came out of surgery and the anesthesia started wearing off I got the shakes, almost like a seizure, so they put me back under with some pain killers.  When I came out of it again I was still shivering but was able to calm my self down through breathing.  Clearly my body was not happy with what had gone on while I was out on the operating room table.. Nothing like having part of your spine ripped out.  What followed was weeks of pain that brought me to tears, but I had to push myself to recover.  Anyway, a lot of stress on the body, over years.  Culmination in stress and pain.  But, I'm better than I was, so guess it was worth it, but I'm sure it left it's mark on my body.
5. I'm sure the motorcycle riding hasn't helped either.  As much as I love it, it can get painful after hours of riding.  In my older age I've wised up and take frequent breaks, but I wasn't so smart in my younger age.  It also lead to having a broken knee (tibial plateau broke in half) with metal in it, and I shattered one of my shoulder blades.  Again, all stress on the body.  Over the years there were three periods where I did not have a motorcycle, but always bought another one.
6. Since I was a teenager I've had allergies, which basically says that my immune system is overtaxed.  Don't know... chemicals in the environment, too many hots dogs and bologna sandwiches as a kid.  Had to get allergy shots for a while, which seemed to help, but mostly looks live I've grown out of it as I've gotten older.  Still, both myself and my two sisters have markers for autoimmune, which is not good.  My younger sister had a bad case of Rheumatoid Arthritis, and doctors told her she'd end up in a wheel chair.  She hasn't because she took matters in her own hands and found a treatment that keeps it under control.  But clearly these issues I'm having are autoimmune based to whatever extent.
7.  In terms of what I ate.  I ate normal food and a variety at that.  Meat, veggies, fruit, dairy, occasional deserts.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  Never been much of a drinker.  Never smoked.  But as my body came to the point where it had had enough, I think even what I was eating was hurting me.
8. I retired at 57 and though I felt I needed to do it, because I did not want to work until I was all old and used up.  I wanted to see the world.  I've done a lot of traveling on my motorcycle.  My trips got longer and longer, and vacation time was no longer good enough.  After being across most of the US I wanted to go further.  But, figuring out how to retire at 57 is not necessarily easy.  In it's own way it was stressful.  I started downsizing my life, until I finally ended up with half a U-haul trailer of stuff, a Toyota highlander, and a motorcycle, left Illinois behind and went out to CO, to a rented room in the house of a person I'd never met.  When I got there I had more free time, so I exercised more, but I think that was pushing myself too much.  I was at an altitude of one mile. I remember one morning when it was freezing or below and I went out and ran a couple miles.  It was really hard on my body. I didn't run again for a while.  That may have been the straw that broke the camels back.  On top of it, my host kept her house very cold, in the mid 50's at times.  I eventually got a heater in my room, but I was never comfortable there.  She also kept it very dark.  I liked heat and light, so it was a challenge for me.
9. I did a psychedelic mushroom trip shortly after I got to CO in Sep of 2018.  It was a good experience for me, but they're basically drugs and I took what was a "hero dose", so quite a bit.  During the trip you're whole system slows down to the point where you at first can't even move your limbs and you have to remind your body to breath.  This goes on for hours, and then you get more control as you come out of it.  Thinking back on it, not sure that it was a good idea physically.  Not sure what effect it had on me.
10. Now as I look back at it from a Yin Yang perspective.  Cold is yin, drugs are yin, I ate a lot of tropical fruits which are yin, I had to occasional cookies and ice cream... sugar is yin.  In an effort to be healthy I took a lot of supplements, which are are basically chemicals and are yin (I did that for years).  I drank green tea with honey; all yin.  I found out later that green tea was actually hard on the stomach and it messed with your digestion and may impede nutrient absorption, which is why people use it as a weight loss aid.  I use to drink it morning and evening and usually with or immediately after dinner... not a small cup, but two cups.  I had dark chocolate every day, in my breakfast oatmeal, but chocolate is also yin.  I did these things because I read and understood that they were good for me. 
11.  Then there were whatever chemicals I was exposed to in the environment, and I was never much for wanting to pay more money to buy organic fruits and vegetables, so I'm sure I was getting my share of pesticides and whatever.
12.  Then there was the whole hydrate thing.  You're supposed to drink like two quarts of water per day, which is crazy, but I bought that during a period when I was going to a chiropractor three times a week to see if we could stretch out my spine (it was part of his protocol), so I tried to drink a lot of water, but found out later that water just demineralizes your body.  On top of that, back in my thirties I had high blood pressure, and to help get that under control I stayed away from salt.  So, that combination of drinking too much water and avoiding salt (which is actually yang) messed up my electrolyte balance, I'm sure.  Avoiding ordinary salt was not a bad thing, but I should have used Himalayan Salt, which is actually good for you and has over 80 trace minerals in it.

Anyway, that's a lot of stuff adding up over the years.  Now it's going to take me years to hopefully overcome what damage was done and set my body on a better path.  I guess the time spent here in Honduras helped since it's been a low stress time with relatively pleasant temperatures and a simple routine.  Our concerns are food, sleep, and exercise.  Doesn't get simpler than that.

Day 61 in Honduras. Time flies when every day is the same. I keep saying it's like Groundhogs day. But just like Billy Murry took advantage of each day, so are we. I'm completely ambidextrous now in throwing a Frisbee, so got that going for me!... Continuing to perfect the art of making stovetop bread. I'm continuing to use Duolingo to improve my Spanish and honey is working on Spanish and Russian. Honey is writing her book and I'm also doing some scribbling on matters of life and health. Also took this opportunity in the stock market drop to buy into a few things, like some energy funds (hot tip, energy is way undervalued... yeah oil prices are way down, but it's just a matter of time before they come back up). Fear makes people do stupid things with their investments. Like what, the world will never need energy again?

Yeah, so not going anywhere yet. The latest lockdown deadline is supposed to expire in two days. Keeping our fingers crossed. The possibility is that they reopen the economy in all or most of the country, but still restrict travel. Actually in the last week they're had a rise in the rate of infection, and here in Intibuca there are now 11 cases and one death. They did publish guidelines (basically look like CDC recommendations; that little organization has way too much say in what's going on in the world right now) for all industries, schools, etc.. on how to reopen. Then there's Nicaragua, which stopped giving credible updates on the extent of the COVID-19 problem. Word has it that there are guys in what jump suits, going around in trucks, that pick up dead bodies and bury them ASAP. But technically the country is still open because that's how the president wants it. I'm still trying to get a hold of Nicaragua immigration to see if we can get an advanced approval to enter, which the Honduras police want before they let us travel there. Nothing so far. A friend of our host was traveling from Chile and got stuck in Nicaragua, he says it's a mess and he's trying to get out.. great... The other problem is that Costa Rica's latest date is June 15, Panama is an unknown, and Colombia looks like May 30th. So who knows.

Why am I not afraid of going to a country where they are picking up dead bodies in the streets? Because all the data so far says that it's the sick who are dying... meaning diabetics, old people, obese people, people with coronary heart disease, smokers... bummer, but since I'm none of these, my odds seem to be pretty good even if I catch it.


I can keep telling myself, it's just another day here.  It's not bad here... have food, shelter at a reasonable price, I'm with my honey.  And it's true, but it's time to go... unless I'm going to buy land here and build a house!  Oi... US consulate in Honduras answered me earlier and basically said, although Nicaragua hasn't announced it, their borders are closed, so no they can't talk to Nicaragua immigration to see if they will let us in the country.  They suggested we fly home... [rolling my eyes here].  Can't fly home and just leave everything we have behind, not that we have much of anything.  And where would we go, and what would we do?  Could spend time with family, but it would not be cheap living there and it definitely would not be cheap flying there and then back when the borders open.   The restrictions here are supposed to expire in 15 minutes, so now we need to figure out what that means. At least if travel was allowed in the country we could go somewhere.  Yes, but why do we need to go anywhere?  We're somewhere now.  The problem is we're not free.  Of course we're never truly free, just free within the laws that exist where ever you are.  And this lockdown... you can't negotiate with it, you can't control it.  Nothing to do but accept it... but it's not easy.

My phone chip from Sprint is still in Tegucigalpa... new delivery date is next Friday.  Like they couldn't send a truck with some packages to town.  They are delivering goods every day, on semi's.

I was reading an article this morning talking about that there's been no decision regarding opening air, land, and sea borders, that it's in the hands of the government.  So, some people I don't even know, that probably have no clue what they are doing, are going to pull a straw out of a hat and decide the fate of thousands of people.  Also read that we may lose many things, but we will not lose lives.  Was also reading that many people in Honduras who were on the brink, are being pushed over. So, yeah, they will lose lives just not from the virus.  They will lose lives from the consequences of this lockdown. And why?  Because we don't want to overload the medical system?  Because we believer we can actually stop this thing?  Even if we stop this one, what about the next one?  These things are here, and they've probably been around longer than we have.  Our problem is that we are out of balance with nature, and we're creating that imbalance with the way we conduct our lives, farm our food, and pollute the environment.

I am so tired of reading how many confirmed cases there are... they're not confirmed, the tests have high percentage of false positives... they're not accurate because everyone is not tested.  If it is positive you may have something, or you may not, if you do have something, there's no way to be sure what you have.  But it doesn't matter, you either die or you don't.  The doctors can't do anything different, whether it's the flue or it's the COVID-19.  I'm tired of hearing how many dead there are.  People die all the time but certain causes of death we just accept, like heart disease, cancer, autoimmune... because we know we cause those by how society runs, the resulting stress in our lives, the choices that people make, and the pollution and chemicals we spew out every day.  But, we can't stop that, and besides, the medical world and drug manufacturers run on the fact that we're not going to stop it.  Billions and billions of dollars hand in the balance.

If you live here in Honduras, it's not really a big deal.  I guess it is if you lost your job, but at least socially the structure is there.  Back in the US no one is prevented from going out at gunpoint like here.  But us, we're totally stopped.  Travel is what we are doing, and that's the one thing we can't do. 


But it always seems that things happen for a reason. Maybe it was so I would have time to find out that stew was good for my stomach.  Maybe so that I could have time to reevaluate my investments, and maybe it was just to get to a point where you really just stop with expectations, learn to flow with what goes on.

I confirmed today with the US consulates in Honduras and Nicaragua that even though our visas are about to run out, June 2nd, they are waving it until the crisis is over. And we'll get a fresh 90 days when we enter Nicaragua.  Also, although Nicaragua hasn't officially said it, their borders are closed.  Also, Cost Rica has stopped ALL traffic between the two countries, including truck traffic. Guess they don't want to increase their infection rate since it's probably spreading like wildfire in Nicaragua.  I hope it does, then they just get it over with.  Technically they should be able to open their borders sooner than the countries who are keeping people home and spreading it slowly.  Look at Honduras, even though they have had quarantines in place for two months, they are just hitting their peak "confirmed case" rates.  Confirmed how, I don't know, because the tests are not accurate.  I read today, the more you look, the more you find... yeah, no kidding.

We haven't had internet for days, tomorrow it's supposed to be fixed.  It's harder without it.  At least when we have it we can do research, maybe watch some videos or movies, talk on WhatsApp.  Even the communications with consulates takes longer if I'm just depending on my phone data, which is way slower. 

Day seventysomething...

First we have the Honduran folk dancers. They showed up in the front yard of the Hostel making all sorts of noise on a loudspeaker and dancing during siesta time. And there's always time for siesta, given that the lock-down is still in force in Honduras.

They were doing some kind of live broadcast talking about the fact that they have a group that goes around and performs. They came to the hostel for the veritable arboretum.

Yup, rainy season is in full swing! Most days have some rain... some more than others!

And it's not like this is the result of days of rain, it's just a couple hours in the afternoon.

But, when it's not raining... This is a view of the back yard. I'm up on a raised stage about 8 ft off the ground. The caretakers father was in a band and cut some records, so guess they would do concerts here for the neighbors.

Occasionally we walk the town to keep from going stir crazy. Today we found the tourist district... ya, it's a little empty... but there's a shrine carved right out of the cliff... even the stairs are carved out, and clearly have been walked a few times, as they are staring to round and wear. The rock stairs go all the way to the "roof" where we also found a little hike to explore.

Back in town at the square, there is a tree with a five foot trunk, says the tree you plant today will be air for your kids tomorrow. Nice. I don't know how tall this thing was, I couldn't get it all into the shot.

Not sure what the gate around the tree is all about. Guess the Hondurans guard their trees like their houses, with gates!...

And apparently, something in the square is one of the 30 marvels of Honduras. I didn't know Honduras had marvels...

Lots of shady looking characters walking around in masks...

Man, if you would have told me I'd be here for near three months I would have said you're crazy... but the latest lock-down expires 5/31/2020, and people are still dying... I think Honduras is up to about 180... Which isn't much. But they've multiple days of 200+ increase in confirmed cases (whatever that means), so it's actually accelerating. In my mind, that's to be expected. These are poor people, you can't lock them up, take away the little business that they do, and expect them to survive, unless you're going to bring everyone essentials to their front door, so no one goes out. Even we go to the market once or twice a week to get food. The good news is that we see more of the businesses are open, so hopefully people are going to get back on track. The government also formed a board that will make recommendations regarding reopening, and looks like some flights are being allowed in and out of the country. But I'm still guessing we'll be here until mid June.

We're trying to stay busy, reading, researching, walking when we can. Actually we shouldn't be out, circulation in the streets is by last digit of your ID, and each digit gets one day over a period of two weeks. But we each have two passports, so... but guessing by the traffic in the downtown streets, there's plenty of people not adhering to their designated day... Like I said, it's unrealistic. Just open the streets, let the people who are going to get sick, get sick, and get it over with. New Zealand proved that you can stop it if you act early enough and are clear about the plan, but here, and most counties, didn't do that good a job.

My latest research project is aquaponics (not to be confused with fun with phonics)... how to grow veggies and fish (symbiotically) in a limited amount of space.... like thousands of pounds of fish and veggies per year in as little as 1/8 acre, grow it way faster and with way less work and resources than you can in dirt. Apparently it is the future; aquaponics, hydraponics. Like one guy says, it's using technology and your brain to farm at the next level. If you haven't looked into it, look up "vertical farms" for example. There's people using entire abandoned warehouses filled to the roof with growbeds. The oceans are overfished, there's less and less land, what farmland there is, is in shit shape (dead soil)..., food transportation costs are too high to go from farm to city, many places have limited amounts of water, and this approach solves all the problems.

It's interesting, that never in my life have I had this much free time to just pursue threads of interest. Think about it, we're always working at work, working at home, rushing to go on vacation, rushing back home from vacation, and when we're traveling, even long term like this, we're working on going and deciding where we're going to go. I wonder how much better off society would be if people were just allowed to sit and think and tinker? Where's all that free time that the computer revolution was supposed to bring, because everything was going to be so much more efficient... we were suppose to be set free to be more creative... we need it, society needs it. Get off the fn hamster wheel and lift your head and look around... What are we doing?

But, this pic sums it up... just waiting...

OH! I almost forgot... I've discovered that the static electricity of my laptops touch screen literally attracts bugs.. as in sucks near flying mosquitoes onto the screen, where I can just squash them.. so, got that going for me..

Honduras means "deep water" and LaEsperanza means "the hope" or "the wait"... So, here we are, waiting in deep waters... the waiting place... But the time has come. Honduras has a plan for reopening the economy. I'm guessing whatever part of it is not enforced with police and army presence will be ignored. But, bottom line, the areas that have low case counts of COVID, which is most of the land mass, will be fully functional in three weeks... the worst places, big cities, will be fully functional in six weeks. Certain percentages of the work force are supposed to return each week until everyone is working again.

When they announced that, next day I tried to find out what the plan was for traveling in the country, but no one had an answer. Went to the police station and asked. They said sure, we can go... I didn't believe it... Still raining, so took the car down the road to where the first roadblock was, and it's gone. So, we kept going for a while. I can't explain the excitement of just being on a different stretch of road after 80+ days of being pent in. Along the way we did pass a huge pile of gravel/dirt on the road, with just a wide enough passage for a car to get through. Clearly this was not falling rock, cause it didn't have anywhere to fall from. Few minutes later, we got to a road block, complete with spikes across the road... Talked to a couple official looking guys (one had an assault rifle and the other had a bunch of patches on his shirt... that's official enough for me; it's funny how I no longer have any reaction to talking to guys with assault rifles), we explained our situation and they said we can travel toward the Nicaragua border. At first we were just shocked. You read about people that are in jail for a while and when they get out they don't know how to function normally... that's what it felt like... On the way back to town we seesawed between excitement with high fives and just silence. Really? We can go? Where are we going to go? Will Nicaragua let us in, don't know, just have to try. I've tried contacting Nicaragua immigration, but no response.

A tropical storm just passed through El Salvador and Guatemala, they got clobbered and we got six days of rain here, so figured we'd wait a few days for it to clear up. It's till been pouring, but this weekend it supposed to ease up a little, so Monday we are out of here! Should be at the Nicaragua border in a few days. They're not officially closed, but embassy says it's only truck traffic right now. We'll find out. If they don't let us in, we'll just be espero-ing in a different part of Honduras, closer to the border. Cost Rica is supposed to open end of June, as well as Panama. Colombia should be August 31st. So, three countries, three months, before we take the boat to Colombia... Estamos esperando...


Yesterday put the rubber back on the road! Really had no issues going to Tegucigalpa from Intibuca. We had two road options, but after talking to the locals they said the one road was really bad. So, we took the other... which was pretty bad (sections of road just messed up and huge potholes)... good thing we didn't take the bad one I guess... There were some check points, but none of them stopped us. After we got settled into our "small garage converted into a bedroom/kitchen/bathroom under the main house" in Tegucigalpa we went to the grocery store to get some food to cook up for dinner. Wouldn't let us in, because our bandannas were not appropriate masks... So, found a guy in the street selling medical masks, which were like 1/8 the size of our bandannas... I can see how that would work better... not that any of them actually work... right... we do understand that... right? They still wouldn't let us into the store, because our passports didn't end with the number 6... Explaining that we're in the city for one night and we need some food to cook up didn't persuade them... They have made-up stupid rules to follow... And that was the city law... So, walked away empty handed and had to make oatmeal for dinner... Patience... Understanding... letting it go... sometimes is not easy when stupidity is staring you in the face...







Today, after breakfast (more oatmeal) went back to the grocery store because we DO have #7... wohoooo! Bought a mess of stuff, went back, packed up, and we're out of there... Much of the road from Tegucigalpa down to Choluteca is concrete, smooth, and winding through the Honduras mountains. Could be the best road in the country, that I've seen anyway. About 20 minutes from Guasaule honey was in front and they pulled her over at a stop. I pulled up behind her. They talked to her, they talked to me, they're like your Visa is expired, that's a $1000 fine, I'm like no, I talked to the consulate, visas are extended until the crisis is over. Then he wanted to take us to immigration somewhere... he's like you could have left earlier... I'm like no, the Intibuca police told us we can't go... and this went on for about 15 minutes, using our phones to translate some of the stuff, while we're sweating our asses off in 90 degree weather, me in full gear... I told him our plan, showed him the GPS, more talk, and they finally let us go. They also did confirm that we can cross into Nicaragua, but he also said there's no one at the border (if I understood him right) which makes no sense. Then 10 minutes later, another roadblock, honey gets pulled over again (you think they just like pulling women over???? ) It went faster this time and they let us go. At the first one I was staring to think they weren't going to let us pass.

About 1/4 mile from our hotel the tucks were backed up far as we could see, and some border "helper" was talking to honey already. Told him it's not necessary, and we're not crossing the border until morning. So, just pulled into the oncoming lane and we cut through to our hotel. Now we're basically minutes from the border, the trucks have cleared, and the caretaker says there's no lines in the morning. Someone is clearing the trucks at the border!



And no, the pool is not working...

The view of the trucks from the "lobby"...

And no, there's no hangers in the room, but there is a shower that sprays all over the bathroom, and there is A/C! What more does a person need?!

Sure, the border is open... you could have left sooner... NOT!  Got up early to miss all the truck traffic, went from Pepe's down to the border about a mile away.  No go.  Nicaragua border is closed to tourists... do not pass, do not collect $200, go back to jail. 

Sat down in the office with one of the aduana guys, had a long discussion.  No, they don't know when it will open... check with the consulate on a regular basis. No, the visa's are not a problem given the situation... On the way out, one of the army guys needs to take a picture of our passports... probably to notify his buddies that we got two stuck Americanos that need kidnapping (I'm kidding!).  Another guy says, ju bant tu go to Nicaragua?  I hav conections... Ah... no... all we need to do is get ourselves into the country through connections, and really go to jail.  Then there was the guy that insisted he help us, and that he watched our stuff for us... right, there's two guys there with tactical weapons, and he watched out stuff... Ok, I get it, people have to make money... but there's one building, there's no one there, and we speak well enough Spanish to figure it out... go raise cows or something... Ah well, back to Pepe's to figure out what we were going to do, the room was paid up until noon!  When we got there Pepe said mi casa es su casa, and he was even working on opening up their pool... which looked really good. 

So, we sat there for a bit, talked.  We needed some beach time.  Pepe said Cedeno, a town about an hour Southwest was the closes beach town, and they had some reasonable places to stay... done.  Got ourselves together and headed back.  Got stopped a couple time, but conversations were short... Now that we know what we're talking about... since no one else seems to...

Honey disappeared behind me on the way, so I turned around... she had picked up a lady hitch hiker... according to her, there was nothing less than $40 for a room in that beach town.  Honey asked how these poor people can afford a price like that.  It's not the poor people, lots of people come from the cities, with money.  So, that's how it is.  You have the have's and the have not's.  This is really the tragedy in this world, isn't it?  We have enough wealth and resources to make sure everyone is taken care of, but we don't.  At least, hopefully, that money goes into the community.

Not that it mattered, because five minutes from our destination there was a road block.  Told them we can't cross the border, we need a place to stay, we wanted to go the beach.  No go.  Beach is closed, hotels are closed, go back to town.  So, went to town, about 30 minutes away and found a place for $16/night, so we can collect ourselves and figure out the next move.  Could go back to Pepe's, close to the border, but it's jut in the middle of nowhere... stores, no gas, nada... We'll probably stay here in Choluteca, just need a different place we can make ourselves at home.  Wifi here doesn't work and there's no place to cook...  

Today, turns out that the hotel we were at, owns three properties in town, and one of them has a pool. Well, it's not the Ocean, but it's better than just sweltering in the 90 degree / 100% weather. So, we've moved over and here we are. Going to start with four days, through the weekend, and see what Monday brings. I'm really starting to thing I need to put my foot down with the consulate. I mean, what good are they if they can't get us clearance to get through a few countries? There are trucks constantly going back and fourth, hundreds of them, how are two lowly tourists going to upset the balance of the universe by crossing a couple borders. Stupid rules...

So, anyway, it's not often you see this. Well, maybe around here, but not in your typical US city...

Hotel, with spot for the bike next to the room, and pool, so could be worse...

Temps are running into the mid 90's, so yeah, the pool is a bit warm, but still welcome.

Sidebar (Cell phones, WHO, oppression and government). I've come to realize I'm way too dependent on my cell phone. First world problem in the third world country, but it's more than that. I've always said, whatever you own owns a piece of you, and that's why I've come to the point where I don't own much; only what I need and what brings me pleasure. A phone is one of those things we need, right? Right? I'm asking, because I'm really starting to question this addiction we have to these things. Over the last few days I switched from T-mobile to Sprint. Because Tmo was hassling me about roaming too much and said they would cut me off soon as the "crisis" was over, and Sprint doesn't have an issue with it... So, even though they are now the same company, it's a better plan, for slightly less money. All this time I was in Intibuca my Sprint Chip had been at FedEx in Tagucigulpa. On our way through there I picked it up and transferred over. Easier than I thought... until I tried to create my user account online... and they locked me out... because something didn't match... they suspect fraud... so, messaging and calling support... I lost count of how many people I talked to... I don't know how many times they told me I need to take the phone in to a Sprint store, but they didn't seem to comprehend that there were no sprint stores here. Sorry, that's the only option. Then more conversations with the Fraud department.. You have to fax us your license, SS card, and proof of address... really? Made a couple attempts at an internet fax service but apparently the attachments were blurry and useless. More conversations later. You could load up the documents on our web site.... ok, why couldn't someone tell me that before?... So, finally, days later, I have a phone again. Why did this happen? Because the incompetent person that set up my account misspelled my name and got my SS number wrong. So, end up paying for someone else's mistake. But, is phone fraud really that big a problem that they have higher security than Fort Knox? Why is it that cell phone companies have this ability to piss people off to no end? Make us jump through hoops like trained poodles, instead of working with us, even when it's not per their scripts? They are no different than the WHO, running this whole virus BS according to their dreamed up rules, statistics, shutdown guidelines, reopening guidelines, and making people suffer in the process. But, they have you by the nuts... The cell phone company has you because you depend on them, and the WHO has you because they whisper on the ears of people who make the laws that get enforced, and then the burden lies on us to fight stupid laws and regulations after they're made, and we're helpless to do that without a lawyer, and time and money. Stupid rules cost us money any way you look at it. Somewhere along the way, the "customer is always right" philosophy got lost, in the name of scripted conversation and efficiency, and the "we have to do this for your own good" philosophy. There's a lot of people out there imposing their will on you... if you want what they have, then you get their shit to deal with. When it comes to my phone, I use it as a GPS, though I can do that without service, I use it to bank and identity verification, I use it to stay in touch, I use it to do research, I use it to pay my bills, make reservations while traveling... yeah, everything... But I'm really starting to wonder how I break myself free from it... I can't even remember what it was like before smartphones. Maybe I need to remind myself. How would this trip be different if I didn't use the phone... how would my life be different if all I had was a stupid phone instead of a smart one. One thing I can see is that I would automatically become smarter, because I'd have to remember all the stuff my phone remembers for me. Have to think on it some more... maybe try and go cold turkey... use the phone for nothing besides calls and GPS and see what happens. But you know, breaking free of the WHO and other oppressive organizations, including these "doing it for your own good" governments, isn't so easy... or is it? Maybe I need to buy some land in one of these countries, put up some bars, start an aquaponic garden, and shoot anyone that comes on my property. But is that freedom, or are we doing exactly what government wants us to... worry about our own little worlds, hole up somewhere, don't talk to anyone, don't question anyone, don't care about what's going on.

Frankly I'm really surprised by all the rioting going on around the world, and all because of one dead guy at the hands of the police. Of course it's not about just one dead guy. With everyone at high stress levels and not knowing what the future brings, it just took a reasons for everyone to get up in arms. Good for us. Get out there and tell them we're not taking this shit any more. It's interesting times we live in, and it's going to be interesting how this all turns out.

What was the original plan?  Ride the America's, fly to West coast of Africa, ride down and then up the East coast to Egypt and Europe, ride Europe, then into Asia, etc... Now having been stuck in Honduras for three months, there's a lot of questions running through my mind. 
- How long will we stick this out, at what point do you say, we're going no place fast, let's go back?
- If we were to go back, how would we even go? We're overland, we need the borders to be open.
- If we go back, what would we do?  How long would we stay before picking it up again?
- Is it better to go back or just wait it out no matter how long it takes?

If your life is travel, but you're not traveling, you're doing nothing, or are you?  What are we doing when we are doing something in one place?  Still nothing?  Sure, we fill our time with doing stuff, but is filling time the point?  Cause we can fill our time playing video games, which, let's face it is just filling time.  Traveling around the world seems like a better thing to be doing than playing video games, but it's just the appearance.  Helping underprivileged kids in Kenya seems like even a better thing.  Is that really doing something?  We are free to do as we will, and some choose to sit on top of a mountain meditating and some help kids in Kenya. 

One thing we can not get away from is the life is about relationships. Community, family, world.  If we cut our selves off from others then I think we're really missing the point.  We are not cut off here, but can we have deep meaningful relationships with people on the road?  Is it necessary.  I think just seeing the world and interacting on a daily basis is a good thing to do.  The world needs to be seen, through my eyes.  I am a unique mirror of the universe and only this mirror can see the universe in the way it does.

How long will we stick this out?  If someone told us three months ago that we'd be here three months, would we have left?  We could not have anyway?  We don't really have a choice.  Here in Honduras you can leave your car behind temporarily, with a deposit and special permission.  But plane tickets are $2000 dollars right now, and $1000 in a few weeks.  So, we could leave and come back.  But we don't know how long we'd be gone.

Honey wants to go see her parents in Europe, me I could go see my daughters, but how much time could I spend there?  Months?  Then the timing to travel could be all wrong, so we just end up holding up in a country for months, flying back to get your vehicles, and have no place to go.  Yes, we could still go... maybe not tip of South America, but other places in South America.

Fact is that these countries can not stay closed much longer.  Nicaragua needs the tourist trade to survive.  And even if Nicaragua doesn't open, we can get a boat to ship is from Honduras to Colombia when Colombia opens up.

Geeeesss... Just read the other day that certain section of Costa Rica have been raised to Orange level, from Yellow, meaning infections are increasing.  It's like nuclear war... we're now going to defcon 5! launch is eminent, everyone get in their bunkers! Is that what we're going to do next, crawl into underground holes and not come out for months?  We're pretty close to that now.  We're in prisons.  Yeah, we can go out on certain days, and move around to a degree, but make no mistake, it's just a different form of jail...

There's nothing to do... yeah, we can stay busy, but that's even more difficult.  How much can you read, study... ?  Can't even walk.  Well, yes, we can, but it's 90's and humid, and the streets are noisy, dusty, and trash everywhere.  Not exactly refreshing to walk around.

Just read that Honduras extended their quarantine for another two weeks.  Two weeks... WTF... thought that they were opening their economy? I am just beside myself.  What's the option.. go back to Intibuca?  Go somewhere else?  Stay here.  Honey votes for staying here, because at least there's a pool.

Went into town today, looked around a bit. We did discover the town center and related huge market. There's also a few parks and a river in the area. Talked to the police. They say the beach on the south coast is open now... where we got denied last week. Will check it out tomorrow.

The pool is getting a lot of use. Using it to swim and stay in shape while we sit on our butts the rest of the time. Plus it's 90-something and high humidity. You walk out and just melt in the sun.

Some random pics from recent days:

Yeah, looks nice, but the mosquitoes are killer. They move fast and bit fast and itch like crazy... must be the heat.

The river that runs through town.

Main market. There's blocks of this stuff. You can buy an avocado for $0.20 to $0.80. You walk away with a bag of stuff to feed you for days for like $8.00... not $45 like in Whole Foods back in the US. The livin' is cheap!

Traditional corn tortillas... 3 for L2... 3 for $0.08... What the heck can you buy for 8 cents anywhere in the US?

Lots of melons to be bought everywhere... couldn't fit this one...

So honey wanted some plantain chips that come with the fish dinner, so she ordered them, but I'm like, what about the fish, I'll eat it if you don't want to... so she changed the order... but they got it mixed up and we got a full plate AND a side of chips... Splurged on the fish dish... $8...

What is that, a cathedral... iglesias?

Anyway... todavia esperando...

Keeping up on progress. Flights into Nicaragu by several airlines are supposed to restart by July 7 or earlier. I'm subscribed to a UK site that sends updates when border/travel situations change, and I'm monitoring the US embassy in Nicaragua for announcements.


All this time just idling is really making me think.  One of the reasons I wanted to take this trip was to sort of survey the world, see if there is somewhere else that I wanted to live. 

So far, in Central America and Mexico, there are the haves and the have nots.  The level of poverty of the have nots is certainly below the typical poor people in the US.  But at least out in the small towns, as poor as people are, there is no "ghetto".  People still have culture, and though life may be hard, they have a sense of belonging.  There is definitely government corruption, police and army with their fancy trucks and guns, and clearly some people are being taken advantage of, by corporations and governments.   The average person walks, has a beat up car, has a tuk-tuk, or a motorcycle, and government laws are such that the motorcycles are limited in size, so that people can't even keep up on the highway.  They use the motorcycles for everything, but they can't keep up, because of some stupid law.

There's beautiful country and land, but even government parks have limited and unmarked access. Lots of mountains but no hiking trails.  People are too busy struggling to worry about recreation.  There's garbage everywhere, because there's no money to pay for cleanup, so people dump their trash, and the government doesn't care enough to clean things up.

The housing is a mix, everything from corrugated shacks, to some really nice places.  The shacks aren't worth thieving, and the nice places are behind gates, bars, and razor wire.  Most places have very little land included with them.  If you look at houses like in the US, with land, you're paying as much or more, to live someplace that has crappy infrastructure.  If it does match the US then from an expense standpoint it matches to US.  So, there's really no free lunch.

So, the same question comes up again.  Do I want to continue traveling, to see what we can see, and find what?  Or should we just settle down, and make a place for ourselves back in the US.  I've been to Hawaii, I've been to Alaska, Virgin Islands... been around most of the US, now most of Central America.  Bottom line is living decently, and staying put, cost money everywhere, and a piece of desert will cost you 20-30k, with nothing on it.

Only problem with living in the US is medical care.  Insurance is ridiculous.  Go the hospital once and you could be bankrupt.  That has to change.  The advantage to traveling is you can get emergency coverage for just over $100/month.  Can't get that anywhere in the US.  Maybe it's time to move to Canada... yeah, it gets cold in the winter, but they have free medical.  Is it worth it?

20 Acres in the East side Tennessee hills with a little house and plenty of room to farm would be really nice.  For the right price.  Lake Atitlan in Guatemala would be nice too, but prices are ridiculous over there... it's been discovered!

So, let's see what's new... Southern Mexico just got hit with a 7.4 Mag Earthquake, but I guess the Tsunami they though was going to hit Mexico, El Slavador, Honduras, as a result, never happened. Several of the countries here, including Honduras, are recampling down on their openings, because more people keep testing positive. I've been going back and forth with the embassy about getting a letter of passage to go somewhere, if not South, then back North... because honestly, I don't see this thing ending any time soon, and I'm tired of sitting around... The response hasn't been positive, so however long it takes, it looks like we're stuck here for the duration.

Last week we did take another shot at the beach south of here. Couple Federales in town told us sure we can go to the beach... Only like 35 minutes away, so figured we'd take a shot. Got to that same roadblock that rejected us last time and they weren't having any of our story, but we persisted that the police in town said we could go, so they sprayed out tires (they're doing that.. spraying tires so that you don't bring the virus on your tires... yeah really) and let us through.

The town was pretty bustling, but the beach was dead as a door nail. Talked to a local who said that usually this beach is packed, and they normally have cleaning crews to pick up garbage, but because of the lockdowns, noting much going on. The water temp was air temp, probably close to 90 or something. There was a nice breeze, we spent some time trying to help some kids pull a floating tree out of the water (didn't have enough people), and struck up a conversation with a 12 year old local girl; no school because of the virus. She could barely understand us and we barely understood her, but she managed to get L10 out of me with that smile. But there were strings attached... I told her to go to school and get a job!

Fast Chicken... really?

I'll keep an eye out for sharks honey...

So, as you look to the right down the beach that's El Salvador in the distance, and the previous photo on the left is Nicaragua... so close and yet so far...

Over the weekend I took a ride out of town. Needed to blow the cobwebs off the bike... No, there were literally cobwebs on the bike... Oi.. the travesty of it!

Just the illusion of freedom...

The embassy tells me there are flight out of the country. But I keep telling them, we have vehicles, and we can't leave them here and we can't sell them here. Driving them is the only way. Why do thousands of trucks get to go across the border, and why do millions of people get to walk around towns in all these countries, but they can't arrange for two people to pass through the countries... I don't think they're buying my argument.

Half the people in town aren't even wearing masks, and social distancing?... yeah right... everyone is all over each other in the open air markets... as it should be... but then you walk into a supermarket, your passport has to end in the right number, you get a shoe wash, you get your temperature checked, you get hand sanitizer... Come on! Call it already... virus 1 humanity 0, and move on...

I have also read that many third world countries are taking advantage of the COVID situation to get a stronger grip on their people. Friking governments... Way too many politicians pretending they're making big decision and saving lives, when they're just trying to justify their salaries, while everyone else struggles to earn a living. Does some big-shot in the WHO have any clue what people in these small towns, in poor countries, are going through, being forced to follow their stupid guidelines... No, not a clue.

The big question is, how is this going to effect travel long term. I really thought this thing was going to blow over in a few weeks... clearly that's not going to happen. But I think it's anyone's guess exactly how long travel is going to be restricted... Guatemala right now is requiring anyone coming into the country to quarantine for 30 days. Really?! 30 days... what frikin genius came up with that idea? And how many more geniuses are there out there like that? And how long we going to let them dictate the rules?

Anyway, I've been doing more research on aquaponics, how to grow my own black soldier fly larva, duckweed, and meal worms, how to incorporate, and been looking at farmland in the Ozarks and Appalachians! I'm this close to setting up shop on 30 acres, telling the world to kiss my ass, and shoot anyone that comes near me... :becca It's not just that we're not in Kansas any more Toto... Kansas done blowed away...


Really struggling here.  There are more signs that this virus thing is going noplace fast.  Which means we'll be stuck here for a while.  How long is too long.  I really feel like it's time to move on.  The possibility is that we ship the car and motorcycle home from the Northern port in Honduras, and we fly to Texas and pick them up there. But that's probably not until mid July anyway.  Of course it's the end of June and it has just blown by.  But then what?  Really, the only option is that we buy a place, isn't it? Unless we want to buy a camper so we're  not tied down.  But then you're restricted where you can go, we'd have to sell the car and motorcycle, because I can't just tow both of them around the country.  Instead of buying, we could rent instead, so it would be lower cost of living, but I'm not sure you can rent anywhere for less than what we could get a mortgage for, someplace like Arkansas. Even in Arkansas the minimum rents are around $600.  For $800 we can have a place to call our own.

Having a place to call our own.  The problem with that is being tied down, but if the world trip is off, then what's the difference if we're tied down or not?  I guess giving up on this idea of travel and seeing the world is a big deal.  It feels like a no win... Don't travel, don't see the world, stay put, take care of the land and whatever animals we would have; chickens, maybe some goats or a cow or horse.  But, that's it... you are tied to the land... you are the land.  So, then get something that has less land and is easier and less demanding.  But then, we're living in the town or city, and they have rules and ordinances and I despise all that... lack of freedom...  The one thing that's definitely true about land is that there is a limited amount in the world.  The world population is growing, and there will be more and more demand.  It's going to come down to food and water in the coming decades... food and water.  That's what having your own land lets you do.

Just got a quote from a shipper to ship the car and motorcycle in a container back to the US.  $5300.  Unbelievable.  It's one thing to pay like $3500 to ship them into South America so you can drive there and see the country, but to pay that just to get them back to the US... I'm having a hard time with that.

What's the option? Waiting.  For how long?  Long as it takes.  Go back up to the Mitos Hostel, get a good price on the room, and just stay there.  Honey can fly to Europe to see her parents, and to the US to see the kids.  I can even fly back for a while to see the kids, though it will be tough without a vehicle.  What if the borders don't open for a year?  Am I ready to stay here for a year?  I can stay as long as they don't let me out!  That will teach them, right?  LOL...

Tried again with Guatemal US Embassy.  No.  They can't give us a letter of passage through Guatemala, because "not only are the borders closed, but they also have restrictions on interdepartmental travel"...


Well, I think we're going to call it... virus 1, world trip 0.  With countries starting to reopen but then backing off because cases are rising, this thing could go on for who knows how long.  There are flights to the US in the later part of July.  Been investigating shipment of the vehicles back to the states.  Seem to have found a place that will do it for $2000.  Had one at $5300.  $2000 doesn't seem so bad at that point.  Regardless, a part of me wants to wait it out, and hopes all this stupidity stops soon.  But on the other hand it is really frustrating to see these border closures continue day after day, week after week, and month after month.  The question I'm asking myself is, how long am I willing to hold out. What if we do start going again, but come fall or winter, cases start to go back up? Is everything going to close again?  How long do I want to wait.  I signed up for travel, to see the world, instead I've been sitting longer than I've been traveling. 

Ok, so if I'm not going to be traveling, what does the near term and long term future look like.  Near term I would stay with my daughters, visit family in Chicago, and look for housing.  Yeah, I'm thinking just buy a place, maybe wait a couple years to see if this all blows over. I can get a cheap house for about what I would pay for rent in the least expensive places in the US. Also, with a space, I could put all this research I've been doing on aquaponics to good use.  Grow some veggies and fish, and learn to be more self sustaining; depend on others, systems, and government at this point just doesn't seem like a good plan.  Been wondering how long I should keep my money in the stock market before I just stuff it under the mattress so to speak.  Honestly, there's nothing inherently wrong with the economy, except this imposed collapse.  The question is, will people go back to doing what they were doing before, and will the economy return to normal, or how long will it take?  What cultural changes will happen and stick?  One thing is for sure, it's unlikely things will be the same.  But things will go on somehow.

In the back of my mind is the voice saying, so what?  Why does it matter if you're sitting in one country.  Stay as long as you have to.  It will open eventually.  There's no rush here, no time constraint. If I don't make it to Argentina before winter, then just stick around the other countries.  Yeah, but there are limits.  I can only stay so long in one country, and only so long per year.  And I've already seen that dealing with bureaucracy is worse than just hitting your head against a wall. At least you know a wall is just a wall, but speaking to humans who can't think for themselves, and blindly follow stupid rules is excruciating. 


Honey says she's had enough.  Sitting in one place for weeks on end is not freedom.  It's not a good way to spend time.  The only advantage to being in the third world is the low cost of living, but it comes with a big price.  At least now, in this COVID situation.  Honestly, if before starting this trip someone told me, well you could be stuck in countries for months, would I have gone.  Probably not.


Well, three weeks and got tired of sitting around in Choluteca. Also, been reading that various countries, including Honduras are rolling back the lockdowns. Clearly this is not going to end any time soon. It's all politics...

So, North to San Pedro Sula, for the airport, and Puerto Cortes, for the shipping port... On the way stopped at the El Salvador Honduras border to see if anything can be done about officially extending our vehicle permits and visas, in case we need to leave the vehicles here for a few months.

And that's the border... some cones and tape on both sides... actually this is where the cars and people traffic would pass through. There were some official Honduras border workers in a small building just behind me. They can't do anything about extending our visas, but they say it's not a problem... we can stay a long as we want while this COVID thing is happening! Nice of them. He pointed us back about half a mile where the truck traffic crosses to get our temp imports extended. Took some doing, but we found the guy in charge and he took care of us, gave us another 90 days... rolled his eyes when we asked how long he thought this was going to go on.

After that we headed North to Comayagua. Got a room at what we thought was a hotel, but actually turned out to be a couples home, they list as a hotel and they also do Air B&B from there. Most of the road up there was actually very nice, and beautiful scenery. Had about 3 miles of some teeth jarring unfinished road. But that's how it seems to go... over 100 miles of nice road, and it's like they ran out of money to finish the last section... I smell politics again.

Got to where we were going with a safe spot for the bike. The host couple was really nice. We turned out to be their first clients since the lockdown started three months ago. But seeing as things are locking down again, they probably will not get many after us. And this is one of the issues.. some guys sitting in offices, making decisions, about what's good for us... while these folks are loosing a part of their livelihood.

The craziest thing I saw on the way, as yo get into town they literally have a chemical spray booth set up... a structure that even a truck can fit through that sprays some kind of anti-viral chemical as you drive by... Luckily they turn the thing off for motorcyclists... thank you for small favors... There's a couple guys sitting there with the controls, wearing their masks... I'm thinking they're not going to get the virus, cause the chemicals will kill them first. The other thing we learned was that some neighborhoods take it upon them selves to shut down. If you're not from the neighborhood, they don't let you in. Really? Is this the new normal we're going to ease into? You know what happens, it's the boiling frog... first it's stay inside, next it can't shop without a mask, then you can't go into our neighborhood, then we'll just pull out guns and shoot anyone that looks like they may be sick. Wait... That was my idea...

I have to say something about the mosquitoes in this area... Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!... They're small, fast, quiet, and the fly random evasive patterns so you can't hit them unless they're already sucking on you. Glad we had screens on the windows and all, but most of the house was open, so yeah... Yeah, not exactly the worst of our problems right now...

We hit the road again early in the morning and continued North. We're getting smarter... cause you don't know what you're going to run into, leave plenty of time...

For the record, Honey is getting stopped all the time, to have her car inspected, bags opened etc.. They seem to leave me alone, even when I pull up just to sit and watch. Why is that? They see her Colorado plate coming, and a blond girl behind the wheel, and it's open season? She needed a break to take a long walk down a long pier.

We lucked out for our stay in San Pedro Sual. The place we got was listed 20 minutes before we reserved it. First customers... again... but they did tell us that the room was empty and they had to go buy a bed and TV for us... Very nice couple in a clean gated community. They have four kids, one boy who is biological, and three girls they adopted because they lost their parents. I didn't want to pry how, but that's some amazing hearts they have. They are very accommodating and are even helping us make some calls regarding shipment of our vehicles...

Yes, it's come to that. Option A is ship the vehicles back to Miami Florida and take flights back to pick them up there, go see some family, etc.. If we can't, then maybe we leave them here for three months when the import papers expire again, in hopes of things clearing up, but it's not a good option... would have to find someone to take care of them... and then we're stuck without vehicles back in the US. Option three is we both fly out for a while, we come back. But, some countries are not letting US citizens in. Even the European Union is considering blocking anyone from the US since cases are skyrocketing... So, that would be great, fly out and then can't come back for a year... Could use the Croatia passport and go to Croatia and hang out there, but odds anywhere are about the same... I'm sometimes pissed, a lot frustrated, sometimes depressed (that there's no known timeline for this thing), sometimes numb... eh... whatever... that's adventure...

Our neighborhood for a few days, maybe at least a couple weeks while we try to work out this big plan change... I'd like to say I'm looking forward down the road, six months a year or two, when all this blows over, but I can't even see a few weeks ahead so no point in going there... take it as it comes...

Something you don't see very often... a sky scraper in the midst of single family homes... there's a few in the area.


Well, everything is lined up, including the leaving.  We met with the logistics guy,  Oscar Orlando Medrano +504 2505 7511 (WhatsApp), he copied all the paperwork, yesterday he got us a price, basically $1350 here and another ~$150 in Florida, which is way less expensive than than other places we talked to.  Do we have to wash the vehicles... no... do we have to remove the gas... no... can we leave all our stuff in the car... si! No problema!  How that is possible, I don't know.  And that's for both car and bike.   What it tells me is that everyone else who ships overland vehicles is paying way too much, or the vehicles will end up on the bottom of the ocean somewhere because they are putting them in a canoe... We'll see what happens. 

We'll be dropping the vehicles off at the port on his cue, somehow get a ride back to town (public transportation is shut down but I'm hopping that cabs can take a fare for people preparing to leave the country).  We fly out on Friday the 10th, and the vehicles arrive between the 11th and 15th.  We reserved a place in Miami until the 15th.  Get some beach time while we're waiting!

Beyond that... there is no plan.  Only thing for sure is that honey will be flying to Europe to visit her parents, and I will be seeing family in Colorado and Illinois.  Haven't seen one of my daughters and family back in Illinois for over a year, the other for 7 months (need to catch up with the grandkids!). 

I had a big wall map that I used to plan out the general route around the world.  Left that at my daughters house.  They put it up on my grandson's wall, so he's all dreaming, and we had a phone conversation, about how he's going to travel to the Amazon when he gets older.  Hopefully the borders are open by the time he's old enough to travel!... in about 15 years.

Not sure what I'll do when I get back to the United States.  It's not much different in terms of the traveling aspect.  Sure, I'm going to see Missy and Rachel, and my sisters, my father.  But, I wouldn't want to stay and make myself a nuisance anywhere.  And what am I going to do 24 hours a day?  I can continue to travel around the US all summer, but states are actually making it mandatory that people who come from certain states quarantine for 14 days, Chicago being one of them, but of course making stupid decrees is one thing, enforcing them is different.  Basically all the hotels, airports, and AirB&B's can do is advise you.  Hopefully they wont snitch on you... Sad state of affairs, that we have to be worried about our neighbors snitching on us.  Good reason to keep your social distance and not tell people anything, because you don't know who's going to blow the whistle on you.  I read that Tennessee (or Kentucky, can't remember which) is not declaring anything other than requiring personal responsibility.  That's the way it should be.  It could get worse before it's over, in which case the only difference between there and here is that the US is more expensive, and I'd feel more comfortable breaking the quarantine laws in the US than here.  I do not want to end up in a Honduran jail! 

I'd really like to do the aquaponics thing, but to do that I need my own place.  Which isn't an entirely bad idea.  Interests rates are very low, so you can get a reasonably priced house for a smaller payment than most rents.  But I'm not quite ready to give up on the world travel idea, so what do I do if borders open up and I want to take off again?  I could rent the house, but letting someone else destroy your property while you're away doesn't sound like a good idea.  It could work if Missy and her family would be willing to live in the house.  The problem is agreeing where, because they need to be close to a community, and I (we; Honey and I) want peace and quite somewhere in the mountains.  Plus there's the problem of the dogs... I like animals, they like me, but I don't want their hair all over the house and my clothes.  Also, if they are in and out of the house, especially in a farm area, they will be tracking dirt everywhere, so you can never take your shoes off, so the place just gets dirtier, the dirt and sand get ground into the floor, the floor gets destroyed, etc.. But they were not up for the idea of segregating common areas no-dog zones...  Missy also pointed out that they just have small creatures that destroy... meaning the kids too.  Which is true.  So, if I'm going to live with them I have to resolve myself to the house getting destroyed, probably way sooner than it would if I were just living in it.   Seems like a petty reason not to share a house with family, but sitting on a couch and getting up full of dog hair which has to be picked out of the clothes one hair at a time because it sticks it's self in, and having to do it every day so you're not covered in dog hair, gets really old really fast. And I don't want to spend my time or money fixing stuff that someone else destroyed, just to keep my living area clean and orderly. 

It doesn't seem that Honey will be continuing this journey with me, at least not driving every mile.  It's not here thing... driving is a necessary evil... There are people who like driving and there are those that don't.  She said she'd come and meet me in different places along the journey, and she could stay home and take care of the place.  Not sure that's a good idea either.  If it was close to town or family than maybe, but if our house were somewhere in the mountains, being alone in a big house is not ideal.  If she were running an AirB&B I guess people coming through could be good or bad, good in that she wouldn't be alone, bad in that she may have to deal with shady characters on her own.  Unlikely but possible. 

It's all just an anchor. Like I've said, anything you own, owns you, and in this case owning a house and starting the aquaponics is a major tie-down for years.  But what is it about roaming, seeing the world, that's so attractive?  I don't know, I guess the "eye never has enough of seeing and the hear never has enough of hearing".  I thought that seeing the world through my eyes would help the world view, seeing what goes on from another perspective.  Just by observing we change what is observed.  Is that a good reason to not put down roots?

There's the whole aspect of self sufficiency.  Things will only get worse as the population gains nearly 20% in the next 30 years.  Being dependent on the system, the structure, seems like a recipe for enslavement, to anyone who controls the supply of good and services.  So, is that what we do? All become self sufficient, and forget about everyone else.  We may solve our personal problems, but that's not how the world problems get solved.  That requires everyone to be part of the system, fix it from the inside.  Of course, I don't have to solve the world's problems, I can do what I want.  I'm not obligated to do anything, just worry about my sphere, do the best I can there.

Back to the trip.  Honey is right in that the trip so far has been a lot of driving and staying in rooms, whether hotel or peoples homes.  Yes, we've done some recreation things, met some people, but we're never really part of the community.  We don't eat their food, which is also true in the US, we make our own, because it's all junk.  We can't even carry on a full conversation.  Honey does better than me.  So what is the point?  There's also the whole aspect of fighting against the wind, going in a direction that is difficult, and pushing regardless of whether it's good for me or not.  Certainly, motorcycles could be said to fit in that group.  Most of the pains I have in my body are because of the motorcycle.  I'm sure at least some aspect of my back is due to the motorcycle riding, certainly my broken knee, broken shoulder blade, messed up shoulders, maybe even my neck, are due to the motorcycle.  So, why do I continue to do it?  Because I liked it from day one, and I still like it.  Because the pleasure it gives me outweighs the pain.  The alternative lifestyle, I've kind of tried already.  I've owned multiple houses and resolved I would never own another one again.  The work is just pointless.  I guess that's the difference now, that aquaponics gives a reason to own a place; to grow your own food in a world where it's difficult or expensive to get good food

Honey is a destination vacation person, I'm an adventure person.  Those are two totally different approaches. She does like to explore an area when we get somewhere. I don't really care that much about the destination, other than riding to it.  It's the journey, not the destination. What makes traveling the world exciting is that the world is big and everything is far away. If you get on a plane then everything is right there... within a few hours away.  That has it's place, but no matter where I am, even if in a car, I'm thinking about what a nice road and how nice it would be on the motorcycle.  Destinations get old; you can only climb the same mountain so many times, go to the beach so many times, but the roads are endless, and no two are the same.  You either get it or you don't.

But, living in the Tennessee mountains area would definitely be nice for riding.  I may not be exploring the world, but it's a riders paradise in a way.  Twisty roads everywhere.  Can I have my cake and eat it too?


We were suppose to deliver the vehicles to the port yesterday, but the guy our guy knows is not liked by the shipping company, so he has to find another guy.  He said this morning that it is 100% that we will be on that plane Friday.  The other problem was that he was told that the vehicles have to ship before we can get our passport stamped, so he had to work through that issue also.  He spent hours at the port yesterday, but he says it's all good.  Ok, then. This is so frustrating.  I don't want to stop this trip, but I don't want to be here for month or years either, unless they are going to make me a citizen and I can buy a house here!  But the fact that I don't want to leave, yet they make even leaving so difficult, it's just ridiculous. 

The degree of legalism in the world, just following the letter of the law, regardless of how stupid it is, without any consideration for a persons individual needs, is just astounding.  We have to treat everyone equally, we can't have people making on the spot decisions, can't have them think on the job!

My daughters family is changing their mind about what they want to do.  High probability now they will move to Florida to be close to Heath's mom.  She's 71 and who knows how many years she's got left, so probably a good plan for them.  Not so much for me.  Yeah, wouldn't mind wintering it in Florida, but long term, if I have to be stuck somewhere, not sure Florida is the place.  Maybe I should just look at it like ongoing travel.  Continue to stay in AirB&B's in the US.  Find a nice place in the South, and just bide the time until the world opens up, or I get tired of waiting, and then find a place where I want to be.  There really is no rush here.  Yeah, it will be a bit more expensive to live traveling the US, but in the summer I can camp to make up for some of that. 

Winter will come before we know it... It's mid July.  We have August and September, and motorcycle riding in the north is coming to an end.  So, go to CO as fast as possible from Florida, get rid of the extra stuff I have at my daughters, or let them take what they can to Florida, or store it with Honey's stuff.  Spend some time with Missy and family, then head West into Washington and then back through Glacier National Park, then go to IL.  Stay there until it starts getting cooler, and start making my way South.  By then Honey will be back from Europe and we'll see what happens.

The other option is get the heavy springs put on the car, and just keep towing the motorcycle.  But what's the point, I'll just be burning through front tires and be stuck within a half days ride of the distance from the car, and be paying for insurance and upkeep.

Geeeesss... just doesn't stop.  Oscar Orlando just told us we need to fill out some kind of Power of Attorney for the Florida agent, so they can act on our behalf as it regards the vehicles in Florida.  The bureaucracy is just unbelievable.  We're bring US cars back into the US and we have to do paperwork like we're importing some foreign vehicle.

What did I expect?  Did I expect it to be easy?  Well, I didn't expect it to be stupid, and that's what it is.  The dept to which humanity has buried itself in paperwork and red tape is unbelievable.  We should put that much effort into solving the world's problem. 

It's 1:00 and we're still not delivering the cars.  But he says it's 100% guaranteed we will be on that flight.

Yesterday Oscar sent an email to the manager of the port, pleading our case.  He embellished a bit by saying that we're out of resources, and that his family (he's actually the uncle of the hosts) has taken us in.  But maybe that's what's necessary in this country to get any action.  Basically, he didn't say it, but from the letter it seems that our vehicles are not going on the 11th as planned, he's asking if they can be put in some warehouse to await the shipping while we take the plane home.  I think that they will have to wait until the next ship date which is the 18th, so then, assuming they let us on the plane on the 10th, we will have to stay in Florida for two weeks waiting for them.

Talk about frustration. I just can't think any more.  Every thought is some fantasy about how it will go wrong, the arguments at the airport to let us on the plane, interrogations by security... the mind just running amuck.  We have this illusion of control, of living in a predictable world.  But I guess it is.  What is unpredictable about this situation.  Yes, the whole quarantine, it's duration, and the degree to which fear is driving decisions that effect everyone... that is unpredictable, because fear is irrational, and actions are driven by how fearful the individual is.  What's predictable is that people are hiding behind made up rules, and it's their job to enforce those rules... no matter how much hardship it may cause someone.  Bureaucracy is what's blind.

I just laid in bed looking at the ceiling, and tears started to form in my eyes.  Why?  I don't know. This isn't life or death.  I haven't been kidnapped.  I'm not a homeless refugee, fleeing oppression and death.  But that's what it made me think of.  Can I even imagine what it would be like to be persecuted in your own country to the point where your family is being killed and you have to flee for your life, as is the reality for so many people in Central and South America right now.  No, I can't imagine.  No one can imagine unless you've been through it.  And that's why government can't help the people, because people in government have no clue what it feels like to be forced into homelessness and to fear for your life. 

The similarity here is that I have absolutely no control over the situation.  It is completely out of my hands. I am helpless. I have to rely on a man I barely know, and his efforts to convince the bureaucracy that we deserve special consideration.  And there's no rule that says we do, so it relies on the goodness of some person in the chain to see the truth, and to wave aside the rules, to make a hole in the impenetrable paper wall, long enough to find a solution and help us.

Realistically, what can happen.  We are not allowed on the flights, the vehicles ship on another date, we reschedule the flight to go in August (because that's when the next one is right now).  We are allowed on the flight, the vehicles go later, and we have to wait in Florida longer.  Or, as it should be, we are allowed to leave the cars, they ship next week, we go on the flight, and just have to wait longer in Florida.  Are there a dozen ways this thing can go wrong, yeah I guess there are.  Ah well, can't say it's not an adventure, just not the one I bargained for. 

I can't do anything about it.  If it doesn't look like it's going good, I'm going to call the embassy and see if they can pull any strings.  Nothing I can do beyond that.  The problem is you set your mind to something, and there's no way you can make it happen.  There is a death, a grieving process that goes on then, a letting go.


The last dawn in Honduras, for now, maybe for ever. Not sure I'll pass this way again.

So, June 10th I was up at 4:00 am, because we had to be by Oscar Orlando's office, our logistics guy, at 6:00. It was going to be a miracle morning. Load up the bike and car on a tow truck at 6:00, to be taken to a warehouse to await the next boat, which unfortunately is the 18th, not the 11th as we had originally hoped. So, we'll be waiting for the vehicles in Florida until the 23rd or so.

Oscar, or Orlando as he likes to call himself, then personally drove us to the Puerto Cortes, an hour away, to the aduana, to see what was needed to get our passports cleared of the vehicles. Part of the problem is that the vehicles are supposed to leave the country first, you then get your passport stamped, and your clear. Wasn't going to happen with us. We got there, waited for a while, he talked to some lady through a half opened door... and nothing... basically the translation was that they are all sitting in a meeting, but there's no problem leaving the country because of the COVID thing, have a nice day... Ok then, so then he drove us to the airport an hour and a half back and waited outside until we told him we were cleared. And we were... they didn't ask a single question about the vehicles. Of course I'll probably get fined $1000 the next time I try to enter Honduras!...

At the airport, everyone was wearing their masks and being good citizens. Some people were literally in full body suits, with masks, glasses, and shields. Getting into the plane we had the mandatory 6 ft spacing marked off on the ground with big yellow stickers.. "stand here"... then you get in the plane and it's the usual madhouse trying to get everyone seated, and it was a pretty full plane... really.. you're going to keep me six feet apart, and then sit me down rubbing elbows? Before the flight they sent out emails if anyone had flexible traveling plans and was willing to bid, to be payed, on getting a later flight. Later flight? There was no later flight, until August 2nd... I doubt they had any takers on that offer. There had been other flights on the schedule, but they were all gone.. cancelled, according to the US Embassy.

Our flight took off late and arrived late, then we had to wait because apparently Airforce 1 was moving about the airport... Guess Trump was visiting his Florida digs...

Before we know it, we're in the back of a Lyft zooming along the interstate toward our Miami destination, so we're close to the port. As I was sitting in the back of the car (our driver was from Venezuela, spoke very little English) looking out the window, I felt like Neo, in the Matrix, when he first reentered the Matrix after getting out... I know this place; the clean smooth streets, quickly flowing organized traffic, shiny building, like landing in some futuristic Utopian city... Yes, but it has it's price.

Our host in Miami was a nice enough lady, but she speaks broken English, and asked me to speak English slower... huh, interesting transition... guess of all the places we could have landed in the US, Miami is about as close to being in Latin America without being in Latin America, so back to speaking Spanish for a few more days... the irony.

Today we took a walk down to the beach, a bit cloudy, but the water was like a bathtub. It felt good. February was the last time we had a good swim in the Ocean. They even brought out the blue carpet for us.

Don't know exactly what the next chapter will be, or when the RTW will continue, if it does at all, will the world ever be back to some normalcy to allow it? Don't know, but it's going to be interesting.